Medición de la variación de los parámetros estéticos faciales y esqueletales en pacientes desdentados totales: posterior a la determinación de relaciones craneomandibulares
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El presente estudio buscó devolver la relación cráneo-mandibular a un
grupo de desdentados totales (n=35), por medio de placas de altura,
obtenida a partir del plano de oclusión mandibular según Wright (plano de
oclusión inferior), las técnicas de deglución y de Dimensión Vertical
Postural. Se sometieron a evaluación fotográfica, y radiográfica
(telerradiografías), realizadas, con las placas de altura y sin estas. Los
valores obtenidos fueron procesados mediante programa computacional
AUTOCAD e interpretados según Análisis estético facial de Farkas lateral
del tercio medio e inferior de la cara, Análisis estético de perfil de Arnett y
Bergman, Analisis facial de Nelson Powel y Análisis cefalométrico lateral
de Ricketts; Los valores de los parámetros estéticos y esqueletales
faciales en desdentados totales, se normalizan al determinar la relación
cráneo-mandibular según Wright, además al utilizar la técnica de
deglución y la Dimensión Vertical Postural, no existiendo diferencia
estadísticamente significativa con los valores estándar.
This study aimed to return the skull, jaw relation to a group of desdentados Total (n = 35), through plates of height, obtained from the plane of occlusion mandibular Wright (lower level of occlusion), the techniques of swallowing and Postura! Vertical Dimension. Underwent evaluation photographic and radiographic (tele-radiographs), made with the plates in height and those without. The values obtained were processed using computer program AUTOCAD and interpreted according to analysis of facial aesthetic Farkas side of the middle third and bottom of the tace, Analysis of aesthetic profile Arnett and Bergman, facial analysis of Nelson Powell and lateral cephalometric analysis of Ricketts; The values of the parameters in facial aesthetic and skeletal desdentados totals are normalized to determine the relationship according to Mandibular skull Wright, in addition to using the technique of swallowing and Postural Vertical Dimension and there are no statistically significant effect on the Standard.
This study aimed to return the skull, jaw relation to a group of desdentados Total (n = 35), through plates of height, obtained from the plane of occlusion mandibular Wright (lower level of occlusion), the techniques of swallowing and Postura! Vertical Dimension. Underwent evaluation photographic and radiographic (tele-radiographs), made with the plates in height and those without. The values obtained were processed using computer program AUTOCAD and interpreted according to analysis of facial aesthetic Farkas side of the middle third and bottom of the tace, Analysis of aesthetic profile Arnett and Bergman, facial analysis of Nelson Powell and lateral cephalometric analysis of Ricketts; The values of the parameters in facial aesthetic and skeletal desdentados totals are normalized to determine the relationship according to Mandibular skull Wright, in addition to using the technique of swallowing and Postural Vertical Dimension and there are no statistically significant effect on the Standard.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)
Palabras clave
Expresión Facial, Adultos Mayores, Chile