EvaluaciĆ³n de factores de riesgo en la pĆ©rdida de implantes en rehabilitaciones unitarias y ferulizadas
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
IntroducciĆ³n: En la actualidad la lmplantologĆa es una especialidad de la OdontologĆa, que
permite solucionar el problema que genera la pƩrdida de una, varias o la totalidad de las
piezas dentarias. Si bien, los implantes oseointegrados y sus respectivas prĆ³tesis pueden
considerarse tratamientos predecibles, existen ciertos criterios que la determinan exitosa o
no exitosa. El presente trabajo de investigaciĆ³n, evaluĆ³ algunos de los factores que pueden
influir en la pƩrdida de implantes.
Objetivo: Determinar el porcentaje de pƩrdida de implantes en el sector anterior y posterior,
de maxilar y mandĆbula con carga inmediata, mĆŗltiples ferulizadas y unitarias, y con carga
diferida; en cirugĆa de instalaciĆ³n en alvĆ©olo fresco y cicatrizado.
Materiales y MĆ©todo: Se realizĆ³ un estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles, mediante
una revisiĆ³n de fichas clĆnicas y los estudios radiogrĆ”ficos, realizado a 130 pacientes. Todos
los implantes fueron instalados en una clĆnica privada, entre el aƱo 2009 y 2013, por un
mismo cirujano y rehabilitados por los odontĆ³logos de la clĆnica, especialistas en
RehabilitaciĆ³n Oral.
Resultados: En el maxilar el porcentaje de pƩrdida es menor (11%) en implantes
ferulizados que sin ferulizar (21%). Sin embargo, no es estadĆsticamente significativo
(p=0,06). Si analizarnos el total de los implantes, observamos que el porcentaje de fracaso
disminuye de un 10,34% en carga inmediata, a un 7,31% cuando se realiza carga diferida
(p= 0,184 ). Por otra parte, la instalaciĆ³n que se realizĆ³ en alvĆ©olo cicatrizado tiene un
fracaso del 7,53% y cuando se realizĆ³ exodoncia e instalaciĆ³n inmediata, 11,95%. A pesar
de que los datos no son estadĆsticamente significativos (p. 0,054), hay una tendencia a la
significancia estadĆstica.
Conclusiones: A pesar de no observar resultados significativos, la tendencia permite
concluir que la exodoncia y carga inmediata son factores que aumentan la pƩrdida de
implantes y que la ferulizaciĆ³n actĆŗa como factor protector de Ć©sta cuando estĆ”n presentes
los otros factores.
lntroduction: Today lmplantology is a specialty of dentistry, which allows solving the problem that generates the loss of one, several or all of the teeth. Although osseointegrated implant prostheses and their treatments can be considered predictable, there are certain criteria that determine successful or unsuccessful. The present research, evaluate certain factors that may influence implant loss. Objective: Determine the percentage of loss in the anterior and posterior maxillary and mandibula, in immediate loading with or without splinted implants. Also in delayed loading, and surgery in fresh sockets and healed alveolus. Materials and Methods: Were associated with each of these factors to determine in conjunction, as can influence the number of losses. For this, we conducted a thorough review of each medical record and radiographic study performed for each patient. All implants were installed in a private clinic between 2009 and 2013, by the same surgeon and rehabilitated by dentists at the clinic, specialists in Oral Rehabilitation. Results: In the maxilla, loss percentage is lower without splint (11%) that splinted implants (21%). However, is not statistically significant (p = 0.06). lf we analyze the total number of procedures, we note that the failure rate decreases from 10.34% to 7.31% when doing delayed loading (p = 0.184 ). Moreover, the installation was held in healed alveolus has a 7.53% failure as installation and extraction was performed immediate 11.95%. Although the data are not statistically significant (p 0.054 ), the p is very close to being considered significant. Conclusion: Although we did not observe significant results, the tendency to conclude that the extraction and immediate loading are factors that increase the loss of implants. Besides, splinting of implants acts as a protective factor of it when other factors are present.
lntroduction: Today lmplantology is a specialty of dentistry, which allows solving the problem that generates the loss of one, several or all of the teeth. Although osseointegrated implant prostheses and their treatments can be considered predictable, there are certain criteria that determine successful or unsuccessful. The present research, evaluate certain factors that may influence implant loss. Objective: Determine the percentage of loss in the anterior and posterior maxillary and mandibula, in immediate loading with or without splinted implants. Also in delayed loading, and surgery in fresh sockets and healed alveolus. Materials and Methods: Were associated with each of these factors to determine in conjunction, as can influence the number of losses. For this, we conducted a thorough review of each medical record and radiographic study performed for each patient. All implants were installed in a private clinic between 2009 and 2013, by the same surgeon and rehabilitated by dentists at the clinic, specialists in Oral Rehabilitation. Results: In the maxilla, loss percentage is lower without splint (11%) that splinted implants (21%). However, is not statistically significant (p = 0.06). lf we analyze the total number of procedures, we note that the failure rate decreases from 10.34% to 7.31% when doing delayed loading (p = 0.184 ). Moreover, the installation was held in healed alveolus has a 7.53% failure as installation and extraction was performed immediate 11.95%. Although the data are not statistically significant (p 0.054 ), the p is very close to being considered significant. Conclusion: Although we did not observe significant results, the tendency to conclude that the extraction and immediate loading are factors that increase the loss of implants. Besides, splinting of implants acts as a protective factor of it when other factors are present.
Tesis (MagĆster en OdontologĆa, EspecializaciĆ³n en RehabilitaciĆ³n Oral)
Palabras clave
Diente, Implantes Dentarios, Chile, PrevenciĆ³n y Control, Exodoncia Inmediata, FerulizaciĆ³n de Implantes, Factores de Riesgo