Prefactibilidad de una empresa comercializadora de mermeladas gourmet elaborados de fruta y verdura de descarte con beneficio social
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El presente estudio es una pre factibilidad de una empresa comercializadora de mermeladas gourmet a base de frutas y verduras de descarte con beneficio social, este proyecto se estudia con el propósito de crear un producto que satisfaga necesidades de los consumidores chilenos de la Región Metropolitana particularmente el segmento del sector oriente de la capital con el propósito que el producto entregue alimentación natural y sana, además de ayudar con sus ingresos por venta a instituciones sociales de caridad. El estudio se desarrolló utilizando la metodología de preparación y evaluación de proyectos con el sentido de finalizar el objetivo general, como también cumplir con los objetivos específicos establecidos a través de un estudio de mercado en el cual se analizó el comportamiento de oferta, demanda y estrategias implicadas. Por otra parte también se hizo un estudio técnico que consistió en establecer una localización, determinar dimensiones y calcular costos e inversiones asociados al proyecto y para finalizar se elaboró el estudio económico – financiero en el que se confeccionó un flujo de caja para evaluar el proyecto calculado por medio de impuestos, tasa de descuento desarrolladas con método CAMP, tasas de interés impuestas por entidades bancarias. Como conclusión general del estudio , se presentó un panorama rentable en los tres escenarios puestos a disposición , el primero fue un flujo de caja con capital propio del cual se obtuvo un VAN 33.705 U.F y una TIR de un 45,3% , el segundo flujo se estudió bajo la condición de que fuera el 50% financiado por préstamo bancario y el otro 50% restante de capital propio obteniendo un VAN de 31.528 U.F y una TIR de 50,3%, para el tercer escenario se realizó un flujo de caja con 75% financiado por préstamo y el 25% de capital propio obteniendo un VAN 33.983 U.F y una TIR de 64,7% tomando como conclusión final que en todos los escenarios hay una viabilidad financiera para el proyecto, por lo tanto el proyecto es recomendable financieramente. Todos los resultados que se obtuvieron indican que el proyecto se encuentra en un ambiente auspicioso y viable para su desarrollo, todos los datos que se utilizaron fueron datos reales y estimados de fuente primaria como secundaria que ayudaron a establecer una coherencia en los resultados finales del estudio.
The present study is a pre-feasibility study of a company marketer of gourmet jams based on fruit and vegetables with social benefit, this project is studied with the purpose of creating a product that satisfies the needs of the Chilean consumers of the metropolitan region, particularly the high sectors of the city with the purpose that the product of the project provides natural and healthy food, in addition to helping with their proceeds through sale to charitable social institutions. The study was developed using the methodology of preparation and evaluation of projects with the purpose of finishing the general objective, as well as to meet the specific objectives established through a market study in which the behavior of supply, demand and strategies On the other hand, a technical study was also carried out, which consisted in establishing a location, determining dimensions and calculating costs and investments associated with the project. In order to finalize the economic - financial study was elaborated, in which a cash flow was elaborated to evaluate the Project calculated by means of taxes, discount rate developed with CAMP method, interest rates imposed by banks. As a general conclusion of the study, a profitable outlook was presented in the three scenarios made available, the first one was a cash flow with its own capital, which obtained a NPV 33.705 UF and a IRR of 45.3%, the second flow Was studied under the condition that it was 50% financed by bank loan and the remaining 50% of own capital obtaining a NPV of 31.528 UF and a IRR of 50,3%, for the third scenario a cash flow was realized with 75% financed by loan and 25% of own capital obtaining a NPV 33.983 UF and a TIR of 64.7% taking as final conclusion that in all scenarios there is a financial feasibility for the project, therefore the project is financially recommendable. All the results obtained indicate that the project is in an auspicious and viable environment for its development, in addition to the fact that the data used are real and estimated data from primary and secondary sources that allowed to establish a coherence in the final results of the study.
The present study is a pre-feasibility study of a company marketer of gourmet jams based on fruit and vegetables with social benefit, this project is studied with the purpose of creating a product that satisfies the needs of the Chilean consumers of the metropolitan region, particularly the high sectors of the city with the purpose that the product of the project provides natural and healthy food, in addition to helping with their proceeds through sale to charitable social institutions. The study was developed using the methodology of preparation and evaluation of projects with the purpose of finishing the general objective, as well as to meet the specific objectives established through a market study in which the behavior of supply, demand and strategies On the other hand, a technical study was also carried out, which consisted in establishing a location, determining dimensions and calculating costs and investments associated with the project. In order to finalize the economic - financial study was elaborated, in which a cash flow was elaborated to evaluate the Project calculated by means of taxes, discount rate developed with CAMP method, interest rates imposed by banks. As a general conclusion of the study, a profitable outlook was presented in the three scenarios made available, the first one was a cash flow with its own capital, which obtained a NPV 33.705 UF and a IRR of 45.3%, the second flow Was studied under the condition that it was 50% financed by bank loan and the remaining 50% of own capital obtaining a NPV of 31.528 UF and a IRR of 50,3%, for the third scenario a cash flow was realized with 75% financed by loan and 25% of own capital obtaining a NPV 33.983 UF and a TIR of 64.7% taking as final conclusion that in all scenarios there is a financial feasibility for the project, therefore the project is financially recommendable. All the results obtained indicate that the project is in an auspicious and viable environment for its development, in addition to the fact that the data used are real and estimated data from primary and secondary sources that allowed to establish a coherence in the final results of the study.
Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)
Palabras clave
Proyectos de Inversión, Evaluación, Mermeladas, Comercialización, Aspectos Sociales