Implementación de un modelo de gestión de stock en un laboratorio clínico
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El objetivo del Laboratorio clínico es generar resultados de exámenes y servicios clínicamente útiles para el cuidado de la salud del paciente. Para lograr tan importante objetivo en los últimos años se han diseñado normas y procedimientos que han permitido medir y mejorar los distintos procesos que actúan de forma directa en el servicio entregado por el laboratorio, pero no han profundizado lo suficiente en los procedimientos administrativos y de soporte, como en el caso de la gestión del inventario. Al analizar el modelo de gestión de stock del laboratorio en estudio, se observó que se deben utilizar muchas horas hombre para poder gestionar el inventario, debido a que las herramientas informáticas disponibles se encuentran orientadas solo a los procesos de producción directos y no consideran la gestión del inventario como parte integral de dichos procesos. Por este motivo el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar a la dirección o gerencia del laboratorio herramientas de ingeniería que, al ser adaptadas y aplicadas a la rutina de trabajo, disminuyan las horas hombre destinadas a la gestión de inventario y que puedan ser una herramienta para la toma de decisiones en la administración de los recursos disponibles.
The purpose of the Clinical Laboratory is to generate clinically useful test results and services for the care of the patient's health. In order to achieve such an important goal, in recent years have been designed standards and procedures that have allowed the measurement and improvement of the different processes that act directly in the service delivered by the laboratory, but have not sufficiently deepened the administrative and support procedures, as in the case of inventory management. When analyzing the stock management model of the laboratory under study, it was observed that many man hours should be used to manage the inventory, because the available computer tools are oriented only to the direct production processes and do not consider the management of the inventory as an integral part of these processes. For this reason, the objective of this work is to present to the Chief technical officer of laboratory engineering tools that, when adapted and applied to the work routine, reduce the man hours destined to the inventory management and that can be a tool for decision-making in the management of available resources.
The purpose of the Clinical Laboratory is to generate clinically useful test results and services for the care of the patient's health. In order to achieve such an important goal, in recent years have been designed standards and procedures that have allowed the measurement and improvement of the different processes that act directly in the service delivered by the laboratory, but have not sufficiently deepened the administrative and support procedures, as in the case of inventory management. When analyzing the stock management model of the laboratory under study, it was observed that many man hours should be used to manage the inventory, because the available computer tools are oriented only to the direct production processes and do not consider the management of the inventory as an integral part of these processes. For this reason, the objective of this work is to present to the Chief technical officer of laboratory engineering tools that, when adapted and applied to the work routine, reduce the man hours destined to the inventory management and that can be a tool for decision-making in the management of available resources.
Tesis (Ingeniero Industrial)
Palabras clave
Control de Inventario