Análisis cuantitativo en la ciudad de Chañaral en el escenario de multi riesgo
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Chile está ubicado en el cinturón de fuego del Océano Pacífico y se encuentra sobre la zona de
subducción entre la Placa de Nazca y la Placa Sudamericana. Según los expertos, la velocidad con que la
placa de Nazca se mete debajo de la placa Sudamericana es la más elevada del Planeta. Por estos motivos,
Chile alcanza una de las tasas de sismisidad más alta del mundo.
Los tsunamis y la actividad sísmica de la región van de la mano, los sismos producidos por la
subducción de las placas desencadenan Tsunamis de distintas intensidades. Al ser Chile un país totalmente
costero tiene un riesgo por Tsunami cada vez que se genera un sismo de alta intensidad.
La Región de Atacama, que es la 3era Región de Chile, es una Región que cuenta con clima
árido, abundancia de laderas, quebradas y escasa vegetación. Todo esto sumado a las lluvias esporádicas de
altas intensidades en períodos cortos de tiempo hacen que la Región esté en un constante riesgo, al momento
de la lluvias de estas características.
Chañaral, ubicada en la Región de Atacama, es una ciudad costera y portuaria. La cruza un río
llamado El Salado. En su historia ha sido afectada por Aluviones y por Tsunamis y hasta el día de hoy no
existen medidas de mitigación frente a estos fenómenos catastróficos. El último evento catastrófico ocurrió en
el 2015 cuando un Aluvión afectó varias localidades de la Región.
El análisis de riesgo cuantitativo es una herramienta que ayuda a recopilar datos y
transformarlos en información, todo esto relacionado con fenómenos de índole catastróficos. Se pude
identificar información crítica que sirva como base en la toma de decisiones de las autoridades pertinentes en
el ámbito de medidas de mitigación y prevención de estos fenómenos catastróficos.
Chile is located in the Ring of Fire Pacific Ocean and is located on the subduction zone between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate. According to experts, the speed with which the Nazca plate gets under the South American plate is the highest on the planet. Therefore, Chile reaches one of the higher seismicity rates of the world. Tsunamis and seismic activity in the region go hand in hand, the earthquakes produced by the subduction of the plates trigger Tsunamis of different intensities. As Chile is a totally coastal country has a Tsunami risk every time an earthquake of high intensity is generated. The Region of Atacama, which is the 3rd Region of Chile, is a region with arid climate, abundance of slopes, streams and sparse vegetation. All this combined with sporadic rains with high intensity in short periods of time make that the region be in at constant risk, in the moment of the rains of these features. Chañaral, located in the Atacama Region, is a coastal city and port. The crosses a river called El Salado. In its history it has been affected by alluviums and Tsunamis and even today there are no mitigation measures against these catastrophic events. The last catastrophic event happen in 2015 when an alluvium affect various locations of the Region. The quantitative risk analysis is a tool that helps you to collect and transform data into information, all this related with phenomena of catastrophic nature. You could identify critical information that serves as the basis for decisions of the relevant authorities in the field of mitigation and prevention of these catastrophic events.
Chile is located in the Ring of Fire Pacific Ocean and is located on the subduction zone between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate. According to experts, the speed with which the Nazca plate gets under the South American plate is the highest on the planet. Therefore, Chile reaches one of the higher seismicity rates of the world. Tsunamis and seismic activity in the region go hand in hand, the earthquakes produced by the subduction of the plates trigger Tsunamis of different intensities. As Chile is a totally coastal country has a Tsunami risk every time an earthquake of high intensity is generated. The Region of Atacama, which is the 3rd Region of Chile, is a region with arid climate, abundance of slopes, streams and sparse vegetation. All this combined with sporadic rains with high intensity in short periods of time make that the region be in at constant risk, in the moment of the rains of these features. Chañaral, located in the Atacama Region, is a coastal city and port. The crosses a river called El Salado. In its history it has been affected by alluviums and Tsunamis and even today there are no mitigation measures against these catastrophic events. The last catastrophic event happen in 2015 when an alluvium affect various locations of the Region. The quantitative risk analysis is a tool that helps you to collect and transform data into information, all this related with phenomena of catastrophic nature. You could identify critical information that serves as the basis for decisions of the relevant authorities in the field of mitigation and prevention of these catastrophic events.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil Industrial)
Palabras clave
Análisis de Riesgo de Tsunami, Análisis de Riesgo de Aluviones, Chile, Chañaral