Percepciones docentes sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en la articulaciĆ³n entre NT2 y NB1
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La presente investigaciĆ³n responde a la teorĆa fundamentada, en donde los hallazgos
emergen desde entrevistas en profundidad sobre las percepciones que tiene un grupo de
docentes del Ć”rea de pre bĆ”sica y bĆ”sica de la regiĆ³n de ValparaĆso. Se aborda la
necesidad de comprender la importancia del juego en la articulaciĆ³n entre los niveles
NT2 y NB1 en el desarrollo del eje de oralidad. En EducaciĆ³n Parvularia el juego es
considerado como un principio pedagĆ³gico activo, privilegiado y central para el
desarrollo de funciones cognitivas superiores en los niƱos y niƱas. Sin embargo, en
EducaciĆ³n General BĆ”sica el juego estĆ” inmerso solo de forma implĆcita en actividades
lĆŗdicas que invitan al disfrute y a la curiosidad por las palabras. Este artĆculo pretende
entender cĆ³mo los docentes asumen y administran esas diferencias pedagĆ³gicas con
respecto a la importancia que adquiere el juego en ambos niveles educativos, en
particular, con respecto al desarrollo oral de los alumnos.
The investigation responds to the grounded theory, where the findings emerge from indepth interviews about the perceptions of a group of teachers in the pre-basic and basic area of the ValparaĆso region. The need to understand the importance of play in the articulation between NT2 and NB1 levels in the development of the orality axis is addressed. In Nursery Education the game is considered as an active, privileged and central pedagogical principle for the development of superior cognitive functions in boys and girls. However, in Basic General Education the game is implicitly immersed in playful activities that invite enjoyment and curiosity about words. This article aims to understand how teachers assume and manage these pedagogical differences with respect to the importance of the game in both educational levels, in the oral development of students.
The investigation responds to the grounded theory, where the findings emerge from indepth interviews about the perceptions of a group of teachers in the pre-basic and basic area of the ValparaĆso region. The need to understand the importance of play in the articulation between NT2 and NB1 levels in the development of the orality axis is addressed. In Nursery Education the game is considered as an active, privileged and central pedagogical principle for the development of superior cognitive functions in boys and girls. However, in Basic General Education the game is implicitly immersed in playful activities that invite enjoyment and curiosity about words. This article aims to understand how teachers assume and manage these pedagogical differences with respect to the importance of the game in both educational levels, in the oral development of students.
Tesis (MagĆster en Lenguaje y ComunicaciĆ³n)
Palabras clave
ComunicaciĆ³n Oral, EnseƱanza Creativa, MĆ©todos de EnseƱanza, Juegos Educativos, Profesores (Actitudes)