DemoliciĆ³n por fractura cemento demoledor
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El presente trabajo entrega los antecedentes necesarios del innovador mƩtodo de
demoliciĆ³n por fractura el CEMENTO DEMOLEDOR tecnologĆa que surge de los
problemas generados en el proceso de demoliciĆ³n de edificaciones, en las que no
pueden ser utilizados otros mƩtodos, tales como, maquinaria pesada y explosivos entre
Se describen los mĆ©todos convencionales de demoliciĆ³n, con la finalidad de realizar la
comparaciĆ³n entre Ć©stos y la masa expansora. TambiĆ©n se da a conocer, las
propiedades de este cemento y su correcta utilizaciĆ³n.
Los datos recopilados, estĆ”n destinados a proporcionar toda la informaciĆ³n necesaria,
para planificar y ejecutar con Ć©xito cualquier proyecto de demoliciĆ³n o fragmentaciĆ³n.
The present work yields the essential background information of a novel demolition method by fracture, called 'CEMENT DEMOLEDOR'. This method arises due to the problems generated in the process of demolition, where other methods cannot be used, such as heavy machinery and explosive. The conventional demolition methods are described here, with the purpose of carrying out the comparison between these methods and the expansive mass. lt is also described the properties of this cement and its correct utilization. The gathered data are aimed to provide all the necessary information to plan and execute with success any demolition project or fragmentation.
The present work yields the essential background information of a novel demolition method by fracture, called 'CEMENT DEMOLEDOR'. This method arises due to the problems generated in the process of demolition, where other methods cannot be used, such as heavy machinery and explosive. The conventional demolition methods are described here, with the purpose of carrying out the comparison between these methods and the expansive mass. lt is also described the properties of this cement and its correct utilization. The gathered data are aimed to provide all the necessary information to plan and execute with success any demolition project or fragmentation.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Demoliciones, Fractura de SĆ³lidos, Cemento