Influencia de una intervención motriz, en las capacidades físicas, autoestima, emociones y nivel de felicidad en adultos mayores autovalentes con riesgo de la casa de reposo "Izabela" en la comuna de Viña del Mar
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
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El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar los efectos de una
intervención motriz en las capacidades físicas, autoestima, emociones y nivel
felicidad en los adultos mayores autovalentes con riesgo en la casa de reposo
“Izabela” en la comuna de Viña del Mar. En este estudio participaron 6 adultos
mayores autovalentes con riesgo, de edades que fluctúan entre los 63 y 97
(74,83) años. De ellos, 3 fueron mujeres y 3 fueron hombres. La intervención
motriz se llevó a cabo en un período de 6 semanas con un total de 18 sesiones,
cada sesión tuvo una duración de 60 minutos y estuvo compuesta por ejercicios
aeróbicos (55-69% Fcmax) y de fuerza (50%RM-ES5). Se evaluaron las
variables básicas: peso, talla y edad. Para determinar la capacidad física se
utilizó la batería “Senior fitness test”, la que incluye las siguientes pruebas:
sentarse y levantarse de una silla; flexiones de brazo; 6 minutos de caminata;
flexión de tronco en silla; levantarse, caminar y volver a sentarse. En la
evaluación del nivel de autoestima, emociones y felicidad se utilizaron el test de
Rosemberg, Fordyce y prueba de felicidad respectivamente. Estas evaluaciones
se aplicaron pre y post intervención para poder identificar los efectos de la
intervención. Los resultados muestran una mejora en la capacidad
cardiorrespiratoria (p=0,028), fuerza (p=0,039), flexibilidad (p=0,027), equilibrio
(p=0,027), agilidad (p=0,028) y felicidad (p=0,027), sin embargo la autoestima
(p=0,144) y emociones (p=0,167) mostraron una mejora pero no significativa.
Se concluye que el programa de intervención produjo efectos positivos en la
población de adultos mayores estudiados.
The objective of the present investigation was to determinate the effects of a motor intervention on the physical capacities, self-esteem, emotions and happiness level in the self-heating seniors at risk in the “Izabela” senior adult home in the Viña del Mar district. The study involved 6 elderly, self-sufficient at risk adults aged between 63 and 97 (74, 83) years. Of these, 3 were women and 2 were men. The motor intervention was carried out in a period of 6 weeks with a total of 18 sessions, each session lasted 60 minutes and was composed of aerobic exercises (55-69% Fc Max) and strength (50%RM-ES5). The basic variables were evaluated: weight, height and age. To determine the physical capacity, the “Senior Fitness test” battery was used, which includes the following tests: sitting and getting up from a chair; push-ups; 6 minutes of walking; bending of trunk in chair; get up, walk and sit down again. In the evaluation of the level of self-esteem, emotions and happiness, the scale of self-esteem of Rosemberg, Fordyce and test of happiness were used respectively. These evaluations were applied pre- and post-intervention to identify the effects of the intervention. The results show an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness (p = 0.028), strength (p = 0.039), flexibility (p = 0.027), balance (p = 0.027), agility (p = 0.028) and happiness (p = 0.027), however, self-esteem (p = 0.144) and emotions (p = 0.167) showed an improvement but not significant. It is concluded that the intervention program produced positive effects in the population of older adults studied.
The objective of the present investigation was to determinate the effects of a motor intervention on the physical capacities, self-esteem, emotions and happiness level in the self-heating seniors at risk in the “Izabela” senior adult home in the Viña del Mar district. The study involved 6 elderly, self-sufficient at risk adults aged between 63 and 97 (74, 83) years. Of these, 3 were women and 2 were men. The motor intervention was carried out in a period of 6 weeks with a total of 18 sessions, each session lasted 60 minutes and was composed of aerobic exercises (55-69% Fc Max) and strength (50%RM-ES5). The basic variables were evaluated: weight, height and age. To determine the physical capacity, the “Senior Fitness test” battery was used, which includes the following tests: sitting and getting up from a chair; push-ups; 6 minutes of walking; bending of trunk in chair; get up, walk and sit down again. In the evaluation of the level of self-esteem, emotions and happiness, the scale of self-esteem of Rosemberg, Fordyce and test of happiness were used respectively. These evaluations were applied pre- and post-intervention to identify the effects of the intervention. The results show an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness (p = 0.028), strength (p = 0.039), flexibility (p = 0.027), balance (p = 0.027), agility (p = 0.028) and happiness (p = 0.027), however, self-esteem (p = 0.144) and emotions (p = 0.167) showed an improvement but not significant. It is concluded that the intervention program produced positive effects in the population of older adults studied.
Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Conducta de Vida de los Ancianos, Ejercicio Físico, En Ancianidad, Autoestima en la Vejez