GestiĆ³n escolar en una escuela de lenguaje de la comuna de Casablanca.
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En este estudio se aborda la autorregulaciĆ³n de la gestiĆ³n escolar, en
las Ć”reas de GestiĆ³n Curricular, Liderazgo, Convivencia Escolar y Recursos
en la Escuela Especial de Lenguaje "ANTĆ" ubicada en la comuna de
Para conocer la gestiĆ³n escolar de la escuela, se aplicĆ³ un
instrumento de evaluaciĆ³n institucional creado por el Ministerio de EducaciĆ³n
para diagnosticar a las escuelas que se suscriben a la subvenciĆ³n escolar
preferencial. Este instrumento ha sido elaborado en funciĆ³n de las escuelas
efectivas y se encuentra orientado a evaluar las prƔcticas que se desarrollan
dentro de la unidad educativa, bajo la mirada de toda la comunidad escolar.
A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca conocer cĆ³mo se
encuentra la gestiĆ³n escolar de la escuela de lenguaje, para asĆ determinar
las prĆ”cticas que de acuerdo a la evaluaciĆ³n efectuada deben ser
potenciadas o mejoradas, a travƩs de un plan de mejoramiento.
This study is about the self regulation of the scholar management, in the areas of curricular management leadership, school coexistence and resources in the language school "AntĆ¼" located in Casablanca city. To know the scholar management of the school. lt was used an institutional instrument of evaluation created by the Ministry of Education to diagnose the schools that are subscribe to the preferential scholar subvention. This instrument was made in function of the effective schools and it is orientated to evaluate the practices inside of an educational unit under the looked of the whole community. With the obtain results it's looking to know how it is the scholar management in side the language school "AntĆ¼". That way determinate the practices that according to the evaluation made, must de improved through a project.
This study is about the self regulation of the scholar management, in the areas of curricular management leadership, school coexistence and resources in the language school "AntĆ¼" located in Casablanca city. To know the scholar management of the school. lt was used an institutional instrument of evaluation created by the Ministry of Education to diagnose the schools that are subscribe to the preferential scholar subvention. This instrument was made in function of the effective schools and it is orientated to evaluate the practices inside of an educational unit under the looked of the whole community. With the obtain results it's looking to know how it is the scholar management in side the language school "AntĆ¼". That way determinate the practices that according to the evaluation made, must de improved through a project.
Tesis (MagĆster en Liderazgo de GestiĆ³n y AdministraciĆ³n Educacional)
Palabras clave
AdministraciĆ³n Escolar, Calidad de la EducaciĆ³n, PlanificaciĆ³n Educativa, Investigaciones, Comuna de Casablanca, Chile