A descriptive study of the types of methodologies that are currently used to each english to high school students in ViƱa del Mar, to suggest a suitable pedagogic method that will help or facilitate the language learning process in students of ninth grade.
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El presente trabajo de investigaciĆ³n estĆ” referido a un "Estudio descriptivo de
tipos de metodologĆas que se emplean en la enseƱanza del inglĆ©s en EducaciĆ³n
Media en la comuna de ViƱa del Mar, y sugerencia metodolĆ³gica pedagĆ³gica que
facilite el aprendizaje del idioma inglƩs en los alumnos de primer aƱo de EnseƱanza
Media". Esta investigaciĆ³n estĆ” bajo el prisma y paradigma cualitativo y fue realizada
en el afio 2008 entre los meses de Agosto y Noviembre por las alumnas tesistas de la
Universidad AndrĆ©s Bello ViƱa del Mar, Carrera PedagogĆa en InglĆ©s, Facultad de
Humanidades y EducaciĆ³n.
Su contenido recoge datos y evidencias de los diferentes tipos de
metodologĆas de enseƱanza que se utilizan en la asignatura de inglĆ©s, considerando
los niveles de percepciĆ³n y apreciaciĆ³n de la asignatura de inglĆ©s en primer aƱo de
EnseƱanza Media de los directivos, docentes, profesores de la asignatura de inglƩs,
profesores jefe y alumnos participantes de la investigaciĆ³n.
En el trabajo de campo se aplicaron tĆ©cnicas de recolecciĆ³n de informaciĆ³n y
datos en un estudio cualitativo donde se considerĆ³ la entrevista en profundidad, una
pauta de observaciĆ³n en el aula, un Focus Group para un sondeo de opiniĆ³n de los
alumnos, y las vivencias de las alumnas que participaron de la investigaciĆ³n en sus
perĆodos de prĆ”cticas profesionales, a travĆ©s de un mĆ©todo especial de investigaciĆ³n
ORA (observar, reflexionar y analizar).
The following research is referred to as "A descriptive study of the types of methodologies that are currently used to teach English to high school students in ViƱa del Mar, to suggest a suitable pedagogic method that will help or facilita/e the language learning process in students of ninth grade" and was done during the months of August and November of the present year by tbe Thesis students of the Universidad AndrƩs Bello, ViƱ.a del Mar, following the studies of English Pedagogy, at the Humanity and Education Faculty. lts contents gather information and evidence of the different types of methods used to teach English, considering the levels of perception and appreciation of the Englisb course of Secondary Education for first year students from school officials, teachers of English, head teacbers and the students that participated in the researcb. In the fieldwork different tecbniques were applied to recollect data in a qualitative study case. Tbere were interviews, a guideline observation in the classroom, a Focus Group to see the different opinions of the students, and the experiences of the students who took part of the researcb during their practicum, through a special research method called ORA; observation, reflexion and analysis.
The following research is referred to as "A descriptive study of the types of methodologies that are currently used to teach English to high school students in ViƱa del Mar, to suggest a suitable pedagogic method that will help or facilita/e the language learning process in students of ninth grade" and was done during the months of August and November of the present year by tbe Thesis students of the Universidad AndrƩs Bello, ViƱ.a del Mar, following the studies of English Pedagogy, at the Humanity and Education Faculty. lts contents gather information and evidence of the different types of methods used to teach English, considering the levels of perception and appreciation of the Englisb course of Secondary Education for first year students from school officials, teachers of English, head teacbers and the students that participated in the researcb. In the fieldwork different tecbniques were applied to recollect data in a qualitative study case. Tbere were interviews, a guideline observation in the classroom, a Focus Group to see the different opinions of the students, and the experiences of the students who took part of the researcb during their practicum, through a special research method called ORA; observation, reflexion and analysis.
Tesis (Profesor de InglĆ©s para la EnseƱanza BĆ”sica y Media y al grado acadĆ©mico de Licenciado en EducaciĆ³n)
Palabras clave
InglĆ©s EnseƱanza, MetodologĆas, InglĆ©s EnseƱanza Media, Chile