La autopercepción del entorno socio-cultural y la incidencia en la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de tercero básico de un colegio municipal de Las Condes
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Es sabido que la comprensión lectora afecta en todo ámbito académico, ya sea en Historia y Geografía, en la realización de los problemas matemáticos, en Lenguaje y Comunicación y Ciencias Naturales. El temprano desarrollo de la comprensión lectora es lo que facilita que a lo largo de la vida escolar esta sea más fluida y no sea un problema en la adolescencia o la adultez. Sin embargo, esta habilidad también incluye otros factores externos, como la motivación a la lectura y la compañía en este proceso lector.
Para realizar este trabajo de investigación, se tomó la decisión como grupo de analizar cómo influye la autopercepción de los estudiantes respecto a sí mismos y al entorno que los rodea, ya sea por sus padres, apoderados o tutores, su día a día en el colegio entre otros factores. De esta forma, para la recolección de datos se realizó un cuestionario con diversas preguntas que incluyen cómo se siente el estudiante consigo mismo, con sus compañeros, y qué tanta preocupación siente él desde el hogar respecto a su cuidado personal, como también su motivación académica. Paralelamente, se llevó a cabo una prueba diagnóstica de manera que se pudiera analizar las respuestas de los cuestionarios con los resultados obtenidos en esta.
Esta investigación se realizó en un colegio municipal ubicado en la comuna de Las Condes, con una muestra de 25 estudiantes en un curso de tercero básico. Para ser más específicos, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es “Analizar la autopercepción sobre su entorno socio-cultural y su incidencia en la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de tercero básico de un colegio municipal de la comuna de Las Condes” Por esta misma razón, esta investigación es de un carácter correlacional, ya que se quiere encontrar la relación entre el concepto de comprensión lectora y de autopercepción
It is well known that Reading comprehension affects in all academic fields, wheatear in History and Geography, in the realization of math problems, in Language and Communication and Natural Science. The early development of Reading comprehension is what makes it easier for life school to be more fluid and not a problem in the adolescence or adulthood; however, this skill also includes other external factors, such as motivation to Reading, and the company in this Reading process. To carry out this research work, the decision was made as a group to analyze how the self-perception of students influences regarding themselves and the environment around them. Wheatear it’s their parents, tutors, or guardians, their day to day school among other factors. In this way for samplings, a questionnaire was conducted with number of questions including how the student feels with himself, with his peers and how much concern he feels from home about his personal care, as well as his academic motivation. At the same time, a diagnostic test was carried out so that it could be analyze the answers to the questionnaire responses with the results obtained in this. This research is carried out at a public school located in the commune of Las Condes with sample of 25 students in third grade o be more specific, the main objective of this thesis is to Analyze self-perception about its socio-cultural environment and its impact on Reading Comprehension in in third grade of a public school in the commune of Las Condes. For this reason, this research is of a correlational character, since we want to find the relationship between the concept of Reading Comprehension and self-perception.
It is well known that Reading comprehension affects in all academic fields, wheatear in History and Geography, in the realization of math problems, in Language and Communication and Natural Science. The early development of Reading comprehension is what makes it easier for life school to be more fluid and not a problem in the adolescence or adulthood; however, this skill also includes other external factors, such as motivation to Reading, and the company in this Reading process. To carry out this research work, the decision was made as a group to analyze how the self-perception of students influences regarding themselves and the environment around them. Wheatear it’s their parents, tutors, or guardians, their day to day school among other factors. In this way for samplings, a questionnaire was conducted with number of questions including how the student feels with himself, with his peers and how much concern he feels from home about his personal care, as well as his academic motivation. At the same time, a diagnostic test was carried out so that it could be analyze the answers to the questionnaire responses with the results obtained in this. This research is carried out at a public school located in the commune of Las Condes with sample of 25 students in third grade o be more specific, the main objective of this thesis is to Analyze self-perception about its socio-cultural environment and its impact on Reading Comprehension in in third grade of a public school in the commune of Las Condes. For this reason, this research is of a correlational character, since we want to find the relationship between the concept of Reading Comprehension and self-perception.
Tesis (Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Métodos de Enseñanza, Educación General Básica