Análisis y procedimientos para la inspección técnica de obra eficiente
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La Inspección Técnica de Obra es un agente más del proceso constructivo, su función esencial es representar en todo momento al mandante. Colaborando con los proyectistas y contratistas, exigiendo con conocimiento y solvencia que las obras se ejecuten de acuerdo a planos, especificaciones y normativas vigentes.
Esta memoria contiene una descripción minuciosa de la Inspección Técnica de Obra, en cuanto a sus funciones, obligaciones y prohibiciones, además se desarrollan procedimientos para la administración de contratos de construcción y control técnico de las obras.
The Technical Inspection of Work is one of the constructive process agents, its essential function is to represent the commanding all the time. It helps designers and contractors, demanding with knowledge and solvency that the buildings are carried out according to plans, specifications and normative in force. It was made a meticulous description of Technical Inspection of Work, in regard to its functions, obligations and prohibitions, also procedures are developed for the administration of construction contracts and technical control of work.
The Technical Inspection of Work is one of the constructive process agents, its essential function is to represent the commanding all the time. It helps designers and contractors, demanding with knowledge and solvency that the buildings are carried out according to plans, specifications and normative in force. It was made a meticulous description of Technical Inspection of Work, in regard to its functions, obligations and prohibitions, also procedures are developed for the administration of construction contracts and technical control of work.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Construcción, Inspección, Chile