Nivel de progresión de las competencias del perfil de egreso de los alumnos de la Carrera de Educación Básica de la Universidad de Playa Ancha a través de las Prácticas Tempranas Vise I, III y Práctica Profesional.
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar el nivel de progresión de las competencias del perfil de egreso de los alumnos de Educación Básica de la Universidad de Playa Ancha a través de las Prácticas Tempranas y Práctica Profesional. Lo anterior, considerando la importancia otorgada a la formación inicial docente en las últimas décadas, no sólo en el ámbito nacional sino a nivel internacional, donde han surgido diversas discusiones, sobre todo en Latinoamérica con respecto a la creación de indicadores que permitan evaluar el desempeño profesional y así ir mejorando la calidad docente impartida en instituciones superiores de cada país.
La investigación es de tipo cuantitativa, porque explica y describe causalmente, así como generaliza objetivos propuestos. Es no experimental ya que no exige manipular variables sino que observar, describir y comparar las competencias adquiridas en proceso de Prácticas Tempranas y Práctica Profesional.
Es transeccional porque las encuestas fueron realizadas en un período determinado que entre fines de octubre y quincena de noviembre. Es de tipo descriptiva ya que busca determinar el nivel de progresión de las competencias del perfil de egreso.
Los resultados obtenidos del análisis cuantitativo demuestran que existe un alto nivel de progresión de los descriptores que componen a cada competencia, tanto entre la Vinculación con el Sistema Educativo I y II, como de la Vinculación con el Sistema Educativo III y la Práctica Profesional. Observando la media correspondiente a cada descriptor podemos concluir que todos progresan en cada periodo de práctica y en variados niveles de desarrollo.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this research is to assess the level of progression of skills of the graduate profile of the students of Basic Education at the University of Playa Ancha through Early Practices and Professional Practice. This, considering the emphasis on initial teacher training in the last decades, not only nationally but internationally, where discussions have emerged, especially in Latin America with respect to the creation of indicators to assess performance and professional and keep improving the quality of teaching offered at higher institutions of each country. The research is quantitative; it explains and describes causal and generalized goals. It is not experimental and does not require it to manipulate variables to observe, describe and compare the skills acquired in the process of Early Practice and Practice. It is transactional because the surveys were conducted in a specified period between late October and half of November. Is descriptive as it aims to determine the level of progression of the skills of the graduate profile. The results of quantitative analysis show that there is a high level of progression of the descriptors that make up each competency, both between the Link to the Education System I and II, and the link with the Education and Professional Practice III. Noting the average for each descriptor, we can conclude that all progress in each period of practice and in various stages of development.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this research is to assess the level of progression of skills of the graduate profile of the students of Basic Education at the University of Playa Ancha through Early Practices and Professional Practice. This, considering the emphasis on initial teacher training in the last decades, not only nationally but internationally, where discussions have emerged, especially in Latin America with respect to the creation of indicators to assess performance and professional and keep improving the quality of teaching offered at higher institutions of each country. The research is quantitative; it explains and describes causal and generalized goals. It is not experimental and does not require it to manipulate variables to observe, describe and compare the skills acquired in the process of Early Practice and Practice. It is transactional because the surveys were conducted in a specified period between late October and half of November. Is descriptive as it aims to determine the level of progression of the skills of the graduate profile. The results of quantitative analysis show that there is a high level of progression of the descriptors that make up each competency, both between the Link to the Education System I and II, and the link with the Education and Professional Practice III. Noting the average for each descriptor, we can conclude that all progress in each period of practice and in various stages of development.
Tesis (Magíster en Dirección y Liderazgo para la Gestión Educacional)
Palabras clave
Profesores -- Formación Profesional, Práctica Profesional