Plan estratégico para promover los valores institucionales de los estudiantes del colegio politécnico Alemán Albert Einstein mediante las actividades extracurriculares deportivas de la comuna de Cerrillos
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Innumerables son los beneficios que nos aporta la práctica constante de
la actividad física y el deporte. Es una importante herramienta de cambio, que
apunta a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que lo practican,
cumpliendo un rol fundamental en la interacción con los demás, porque facilita
la integración social y genera el sentido de pertenencia que necesitamos como
La importancia del deporte, va más allá de los beneficios físicos que nos
aporta para nuestra salud, muchas veces el deporte también adquiere otras
cualidades durante su práctica, como lo es el aumento en el rendimiento
escolar, facilitar procesos de sociabilización, mejorar la autoestima y ser por
sobre todo un gran promotor valórico.
Los jóvenes hoy en día han perdido un poco el interés por realizar
actividad física y deporte, si bien es cierto los beneficios que otorga son
innumerables, el avance de la tecnología ha cautivado su atención e interés por
estar día a día más actualizados en las redes sociales. Si bien esto se puede
entender como un “beneficio”, es más bien algo perjudicial para los jóvenes, ya
que aumentan los índices de obesidad, de sedentarismo y se acentúa en ellos
la perdida de los valores.
Debido a que los jóvenes demuestran menos interés en desarrollar
actividades deportivas y de aplicar en ellos los innumerables beneficios que
este les entrega, tanto físicos, como psicológicos y por sobre todo valóricos, es
que surge esta idea de realizar un plan estratégico el cual pueda ser aplicado
en los estudiantes del Colegio Politécnico Alemán Albert Einstein con el fin de
fomentar y potenciar los valores institucionales mediante las actividades
extracurriculares deportivas.
Este plan se aplicará a los estudiantes de 1° a 4° año medio del colegio,
en donde luego de culminar sus actividades curriculares, deberán participar de
manera activa en talleres deportivos que ofrecerá este plan estratégico llamado
Finalmente, lo que se busca con este plan es motivar a los jóvenes a
realizar actividades deportivas e inculcar en ellos los valores institucionales, los
cuales deberán llevar a la práctica no tan solo en la cancha, sino que también
en su diario vivir, mediante sus acciones y comportamientos, convirtiéndose así,
en verdaderos agentes de cambio.
Countless are the benefits of the constant practice of physical activity and sport. It is an important tool of change, which aims to improve the quality of life of the people who practice it, fulfilling a fundamental role in the interaction with others, because it facilitates social integration and generates the sense of belonging that we need as Society. The importance of sport, goes beyond the physical benefits that it brings us for our health, often the sport also acquires other qualities during its practice, such as the increase in school performance, facilitating processes of sociability, improve self-esteem and be above all a great value promoter. Young people today have lost a little interest in physical activity and sport, although it is true the benefits it gives are innumerable, the advancement of technology has captivated their attention and interest in being day by day more up to date on social networks. While this can be understood as a "benefit", it is rather harmful to young people, as the rates of obesity, sedentary is increased and the loss of values is accentuated. Because young people show less interest in developing sports activities and applying in them the countless benefits that it gives them, both physical, psychological and above all valuable, is that this idea arises to carry out a plan which can be applied in students of the Albert Einstein German Polytechnic College in order to promote and enhance institutional values through sports extracurricular activities. This plan will apply to students from 1st to 4th year of the school, where after completing their curricular activities, they will have to actively participate in sports workshops that will offer this strategic plan called +Valor. Finally, what is sought by this plan is to motivate young people to carry out sports activities and instill in them the institutional values, which must carry out not only on the court, but also in their daily lives, through their actions and behaviors, thus becoming real agents of change.
Countless are the benefits of the constant practice of physical activity and sport. It is an important tool of change, which aims to improve the quality of life of the people who practice it, fulfilling a fundamental role in the interaction with others, because it facilitates social integration and generates the sense of belonging that we need as Society. The importance of sport, goes beyond the physical benefits that it brings us for our health, often the sport also acquires other qualities during its practice, such as the increase in school performance, facilitating processes of sociability, improve self-esteem and be above all a great value promoter. Young people today have lost a little interest in physical activity and sport, although it is true the benefits it gives are innumerable, the advancement of technology has captivated their attention and interest in being day by day more up to date on social networks. While this can be understood as a "benefit", it is rather harmful to young people, as the rates of obesity, sedentary is increased and the loss of values is accentuated. Because young people show less interest in developing sports activities and applying in them the countless benefits that it gives them, both physical, psychological and above all valuable, is that this idea arises to carry out a plan which can be applied in students of the Albert Einstein German Polytechnic College in order to promote and enhance institutional values through sports extracurricular activities. This plan will apply to students from 1st to 4th year of the school, where after completing their curricular activities, they will have to actively participate in sports workshops that will offer this strategic plan called +Valor. Finally, what is sought by this plan is to motivate young people to carry out sports activities and instill in them the institutional values, which must carry out not only on the court, but also in their daily lives, through their actions and behaviors, thus becoming real agents of change.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de la Actividad Física y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Actividades Deportivas, Educación Extraescolar, Chile, Cerrillos