Recursos disponibles de futbolistas activos en Chile para su futura inserciĆ³n laboral
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
En el Ć”mbito del deporte de alto rendimiento la finalizaciĆ³n de la carrera
deportiva se produce a edades tempranas, teniendo gran parte de su vida por
delante. Esto deriva al ingreso de gran parte de los ex deportistas al mundo
laboral. El problema es saber cĆ³mo estĆ”n preparados para este proceso, luego
de haber dedicado gran parte de su vida a entrenamientos competiciones,
descansos, vida social, etc. El presente estudio pretende conocer los recursos
disponibles (conocimientos, experiencias, actitudes y antecedentes
socioeconĆ³micos) con los que cuentan los futbolistas profesionales activos de
primera B y segunda divisiĆ³n chilena, para su inserciĆ³n laboral luego de finalizada
su carrera deportiva. La muestra fue de 61 futbolistas. El tipo de estudio es
cuantitativo, con un diseƱo no experimental transeccional, de alcance descriptivo.
Se aplico un cuestionario de manera online el cual fue validado por expertos. Los
principales resultados fueron que los futbolistas tienen pocos recursos
disponibles para su futura inserciĆ³n laboral. Esto sumado a los bajos porcentajes
de planificaciĆ³n del futuro y acciones enfocadas exclusivamente en su carrera
deportiva, podrĆa generar dificultades al finalizar su carrera deportiva. No
obstante, sus expectativas laborales y sociales a futuro indican un interƩs en
retomar estudios y trabajo.
In high performance sports, the end of the sports career occurs at an early age, with much of his life ahead. This leads to the entry of many athletes to the world of work. The problem is how they are prepared for this process, after having devoted much of their lives to training competitions, breaks, social life, etc. The present study tries to know the available resources (knowledge, experiences, attitudes and socioeconomic background) that the active professional soccer players of "Primera Division B" and "Segunda Division" categories of Chilean soccer, for their labor insertion after finalized their sports career. The sample was 61 soccer players. The type of study is quantitative, with a non-experimental transectional design, of descriptive scope. A questionnaire was applied, which was validated by experts. The main results were that soccer players have few resources available for future employment. This added to the low percentages of future planning and actions focused exclusively on his sports career, could generate difficulties at the end of his sports career. However, their future work and social expectations indicate an interest in resuming studies and work.
In high performance sports, the end of the sports career occurs at an early age, with much of his life ahead. This leads to the entry of many athletes to the world of work. The problem is how they are prepared for this process, after having devoted much of their lives to training competitions, breaks, social life, etc. The present study tries to know the available resources (knowledge, experiences, attitudes and socioeconomic background) that the active professional soccer players of "Primera Division B" and "Segunda Division" categories of Chilean soccer, for their labor insertion after finalized their sports career. The sample was 61 soccer players. The type of study is quantitative, with a non-experimental transectional design, of descriptive scope. A questionnaire was applied, which was validated by experts. The main results were that soccer players have few resources available for future employment. This added to the low percentages of future planning and actions focused exclusively on his sports career, could generate difficulties at the end of his sports career. However, their future work and social expectations indicate an interest in resuming studies and work.
Tesis (MagĆster en GestiĆ³n de la Actividad FĆsica y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Futbolistas, Investigaciones