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Universidad Andres Bello
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El problema del robo de combustible (denominado coloquialmente como “Robo Hormiga”) a buses destinados para fines de transporte público, específicamente los pertenecientes a la red Transantiago; se ha ido transformando en una de las grandes dificultades que las entidades concesionarias de estos vehículos han tenido que enfrentar con el paso de los años. Estas empresas han tenido que asumir muchas veces pérdidas millonarias que podrían evitarse si contaran con un sistema que les permitiese conocer el estado del nivel de combustible de sus buses en tiempo real. La solución propuesta consiste en implementar un sistema de telemetría que monitoree en tiempo real las variables necesarias para elaborar un buen plan de optimización de recursos, siendo éstas principalmente, el nivel de combustible, la ubicación del vehículo, la posición de la tapa del tanque, la fecha y la hora de cada medición.
En este contexto, Telemetrics juega un papel elemental a la hora de rentabilizar recursos, incorporando todas las ventajas que presentan las nuevas tecnologías, específicamente las basadas en la plataforma Android para teléfonos inteligentes, los cuales de por sí incorporan sistema de navegación GPS, conexión inalámbrica Bluetooth, conexión a Internet mediante 3G o Wi-Fi, entre otras funcionalidades ampliamente favorables para el desarrollo de este tipo de soluciones.
En este proyecto, el teléfono actúa a la par con un microcontrolador Arduino Mega y su respectivo módulo Bluetooth HC-06 para adquirir datos desde los sensores instalados en el bus, también actúa una microcomputadora “Raspberry Pi” que toma los datos enviados por el teléfono celular y los guarda en una base de datos MySQL remota, la cual, finalmente, es consultada periódicamente por un programa desarrollado en LabVIEW .
The problem of fuel theft to buses intended for public transport, specifically the buses belonging to the companies to the Transantiago network; it has gone transforming in one of the biggest difficulties that this companies have had that confront with the passage of the years. These companies have had to assume many times with million in losses, that could have been avoided if they could have had a monitoring system that it allow to know the fuel level state in real time. The proposed solution consists in implement a telemetry system for monitoring in real time the required variables for make a good resources optimization plan. These variables are, mainly, the fuel level, the bus position, the tank cap position, the date and time of each measure. In this context, this new tool that it's called Telemetrics, play a transcendental role at the moment of optimize resources, incorporating all the advantages that presents the new technologies based, specifically, in the operative system Android for Smartphones, which already has with Navigation System GPS, Bluetooth wireless connection, Internet Connection via 3G or WiFi, between others functionalities widely favorable for the development of solutions. In this project, the cell phone acts abreast of an Arduino Mega Microcontroller and his respective Bluetooth HC-06 Module for the work of data acquisition from the installed sensors in the bus. A Raspberry Pi microcomputer has the work of take the data delivered for the cellphone and save this information in a remote MySQL database, which is queried periodically from an GUI developed in LabVIEW, giving to the user the possibilities of visualize in the screen the current fuel level, the current tank cap position, the current velocity and the total distance traveled. Also is possible to deploy a table that contains the data historical, visualize the evolution of this three variables too and monitoring the route followed for the bus in a Google Maps map.Telemetrics is a completely innovative system that provides a very useful tool at the moment of confront the problem of the fuel theft and do an efficient and safe monitoring for the fleet of buses.
The problem of fuel theft to buses intended for public transport, specifically the buses belonging to the companies to the Transantiago network; it has gone transforming in one of the biggest difficulties that this companies have had that confront with the passage of the years. These companies have had to assume many times with million in losses, that could have been avoided if they could have had a monitoring system that it allow to know the fuel level state in real time. The proposed solution consists in implement a telemetry system for monitoring in real time the required variables for make a good resources optimization plan. These variables are, mainly, the fuel level, the bus position, the tank cap position, the date and time of each measure. In this context, this new tool that it's called Telemetrics, play a transcendental role at the moment of optimize resources, incorporating all the advantages that presents the new technologies based, specifically, in the operative system Android for Smartphones, which already has with Navigation System GPS, Bluetooth wireless connection, Internet Connection via 3G or WiFi, between others functionalities widely favorable for the development of solutions. In this project, the cell phone acts abreast of an Arduino Mega Microcontroller and his respective Bluetooth HC-06 Module for the work of data acquisition from the installed sensors in the bus. A Raspberry Pi microcomputer has the work of take the data delivered for the cellphone and save this information in a remote MySQL database, which is queried periodically from an GUI developed in LabVIEW, giving to the user the possibilities of visualize in the screen the current fuel level, the current tank cap position, the current velocity and the total distance traveled. Also is possible to deploy a table that contains the data historical, visualize the evolution of this three variables too and monitoring the route followed for the bus in a Google Maps map.Telemetrics is a completely innovative system that provides a very useful tool at the moment of confront the problem of the fuel theft and do an efficient and safe monitoring for the fleet of buses.
Tesis (Ingeniero en Automatización y Robótica)
Palabras clave
Software Computacional, Desarrollo, Sistemas de Control, Diseño y Construcción, Buses, Innovaciones Tecnológicas