Eficiencia energética en la construcción
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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RESUMEN: La Eficiencia Energética ó uso eficiente de la energía plantea el desafío de seguir
creciendo económicamente como país, utilizando en porcentaje una menor cantidad de
energía logrando los mismos o incluso mejores resultados. El área de la construcción,
como uno de los actores más importantes en el desarrollo del país, puede participar en
esto involucrando a todos sus elementos con el fin de lograr edificaciones, que sean
diseñadas, construidas y utilizadas bajo el concepto de optimización de la energía.
Los aspectos fundamentales de esta memoria están basados en como el área de la
construcción puede aportar para lograr los objetivos y desafíos que la Eficiencia
Energética plantea, en ella se puede encontrar en primer lugar las principales ventajas
del uso eficiente de la energía para el país, las cuales son, el aumento de la
competitividad de las empresas que exportan o que compiten con importaciones, mejor
calidad de vida de los grupos sociales de menor ingreso y mayor equidad en la
distribución del ingreso, mayor sustentabilidad ambiental del desarrollo, generación de
puestos de trabajo de alta productividad y mayor seguridad en el suministro de energía.
También se puede encontrar en esta memoria una descripción general de cómo esta
problemática es atacada en los países desarrollados, los cuales han adoptado hace ya
algún tiempo políticas públicas tendientes no a restringir el uso de la energía, sino a
fomentar su uso racional entendiendo que se trata de un bien escaso, lo que en Chile
aún no ha sido entendido cabalmente por la sociedad y las autoridades.
ABSTRACT: Efficiency Energetic ó efficient use of energy plant us the defiance to keep on growing economically like country, utilizing in percentage a younger quantity of energy achieving the same or even better results. The area of the construction, like one of more important actors in the development of our country, he can take part in this implicating all his elements with the end of achieving edifications, enclosure markets off by definite limits and housings that they be designed, constructed utilized under the concept of optimization of energy. The fundamental aspects of this memory are based in as the area of the construction can contribute to achieve the objectives and defiance's that Efficiency Energetic presents us, in her we can find the principal advantages of efficient use of energy in the first place for our country, which are, the increase of the competitiveness of the companies that they export or that compete against with imports, better quality of life of social groups of younger entrance and bigger equity in the distribution of income, bigger environmental sustentabilidad of development, generation of jobs of high-yield work and bigger certainty in the supply of Energy. Also we can find in this memory a general description of how this problems is tackled in developed countries, which have adopted no to restrict the use of energy annoy right now some time tending public policies, but to foment his rational use understanding that he has to do with a scarce good, which as in our the country not yet has been understood exactly by the society and an authorities.
ABSTRACT: Efficiency Energetic ó efficient use of energy plant us the defiance to keep on growing economically like country, utilizing in percentage a younger quantity of energy achieving the same or even better results. The area of the construction, like one of more important actors in the development of our country, he can take part in this implicating all his elements with the end of achieving edifications, enclosure markets off by definite limits and housings that they be designed, constructed utilized under the concept of optimization of energy. The fundamental aspects of this memory are based in as the area of the construction can contribute to achieve the objectives and defiance's that Efficiency Energetic presents us, in her we can find the principal advantages of efficient use of energy in the first place for our country, which are, the increase of the competitiveness of the companies that they export or that compete against with imports, better quality of life of social groups of younger entrance and bigger equity in the distribution of income, bigger environmental sustentabilidad of development, generation of jobs of high-yield work and bigger certainty in the supply of Energy. Also we can find in this memory a general description of how this problems is tackled in developed countries, which have adopted no to restrict the use of energy annoy right now some time tending public policies, but to foment his rational use understanding that he has to do with a scarce good, which as in our the country not yet has been understood exactly by the society and an authorities.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Conservación de la Energía -- Chile.