Caracterización de depósitos de gas natural marino somero, en aguas interiores de la región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En campañas de geofísica marina realizadas en la región de Magallanes, se han obtenido datos de sísmica y batimetría de alta resolución, donde se han detectado preliminarmente depósitos de gas somero. Sin embargo, no se ha estudiado en detalle cuales son las características desde un punto de vista geológico que controlan su ocurrencia y distribución. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar las condiciones geológicas asociadas a la distribución espacial de los depósitos de gas marino somero en aguas interiores de la región de Magallanes. En particular se analizaron las zonas correspondientes a los fiordos Europa y Pengüin (zona Pengüin), estrecho de Magallanes y bahía Inútil (zona Estrecho), y canal Almirantazgo (zona Almirantazgo). El presente estudio utilizo datos de batimetría multi haz y perfilador de sub fondo (SBP), adquiridos durante diversos cruceros de exploración geo-marina realizados entre los años 2005 y 2010, los datos fueron procesados con el fin de interpretar morfologías del fondo marino y características del sub-fondo que permitan evidenciar la presencia de gas somero y las características geológicas que controlan su ocurrencia y distribución. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron la presencia de gas somero en la zona del estrecho de Magallanes y bahía Inútil (zona Estrecho), permitiendo delimitar su distribución espacial y asociarlo a facies sísmicas en los perfiles de sub fondo (SBP), en tanto en las zonas de los fiordo Europa y Pengüin (Zona Pengüin), y canal Almirantazgo (zona Almirantazgo) no se localizaron evidencias asociadas a gas somero. Junto con esto, los datos geofísicos utilizados permitieron corroborar la presencia de un ambiente glaciomarino, el cual ha modelado la morfología del área. Las ubicaciones de los depósitos de gas identificados fueron presentadas en un mapa con el fin de observar y analizar correctamente su distribución espacial. Los datos obtenidos fueron comparados con datos previos correspondientes al área de estudio tanto de mapas geológicos y testigos de sedimento, permitiendo evidenciar una correlación espacial con formaciones ricas en combustibles fósiles de edad terciaria y una distribución concordante con el sentido de las principales estructuras de la región.
During marine geophysical campaigns in Magallan Region shallow gas deposits have been detected through seismic and high resolution bathimetrical data. However, the distribution and ocurrence characteristics of these deposits have not been studied with a geological perspective. The main objective of this study is to determine the geological conditions associated to the ocurrencce and spacial distribution of shallow marine gas deposits in the inland waters of the Magallan Region. The main areas studies were Europe and Penguin fjords (Penguin Zone), the Magallan Strait, Inutil Bay (Estrecho Zone), and Almirantazgo channel (Almirantazgo Zone). The following research includes multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data acquired during various research vessel expeditions from 2005 to 2010. This data has been processed to interpret the seafloor morphology and the characteristics of the sub-bottom in order to gain evidence that indicate the presence of shallow gas and the geological characteristics that contol their ocurrence and distribution. The results obtained indicate the presence of shallow gas in the Magallan Strait and Inutil Bay (Estrecho Zone), narrowing down the spatial distribution and associate these gases to seismic facies in SBP profiles. On the other hand, the Europe and Penguin Fjords (Penguin Zone) and Almirantazgo channel (Almirantazgo Zone) there is no evidence asociated to shallow marine gases. The geophysical data also allowed the identification of a glaciomarine environment that has shaped the morphology of this área. The locations of the gas deposits were presented in a map in order to observe and analyze correctly the spatial distribution. The data obtained was compared to previous data of this area including geological maps and sediment cores, indicating a spatial correlation with formations of high fossil fuel content of tertiary age and a consistent distribution with the main structural feature of the region.
During marine geophysical campaigns in Magallan Region shallow gas deposits have been detected through seismic and high resolution bathimetrical data. However, the distribution and ocurrence characteristics of these deposits have not been studied with a geological perspective. The main objective of this study is to determine the geological conditions associated to the ocurrencce and spacial distribution of shallow marine gas deposits in the inland waters of the Magallan Region. The main areas studies were Europe and Penguin fjords (Penguin Zone), the Magallan Strait, Inutil Bay (Estrecho Zone), and Almirantazgo channel (Almirantazgo Zone). The following research includes multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data acquired during various research vessel expeditions from 2005 to 2010. This data has been processed to interpret the seafloor morphology and the characteristics of the sub-bottom in order to gain evidence that indicate the presence of shallow gas and the geological characteristics that contol their ocurrence and distribution. The results obtained indicate the presence of shallow gas in the Magallan Strait and Inutil Bay (Estrecho Zone), narrowing down the spatial distribution and associate these gases to seismic facies in SBP profiles. On the other hand, the Europe and Penguin Fjords (Penguin Zone) and Almirantazgo channel (Almirantazgo Zone) there is no evidence asociated to shallow marine gases. The geophysical data also allowed the identification of a glaciomarine environment that has shaped the morphology of this área. The locations of the gas deposits were presented in a map in order to observe and analyze correctly the spatial distribution. The data obtained was compared to previous data of this area including geological maps and sediment cores, indicating a spatial correlation with formations of high fossil fuel content of tertiary age and a consistent distribution with the main structural feature of the region.
Tesis (Geología)
Palabras clave
Geofísica Marina Chilena (|Investigaciones), Obtención y Producción de Gas (Magallanes), Chile, Depósitos de gas natural