Significados construidos por personas con lesión medular en relación a su sexualidad e identidad de género
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La presente investigación se centra en temas relacionados con las sexualidades e identidades de género, de personas con lesiones medulares. Se funda a partir del vacío que existe del conocimiento, respecto a los significados de sus propios protagonistas.
El estudio tiene como objeto dar a conocer los significados construidos que las personas con lesiones medulares les brindan a sus sexualidades e identidades de género, a partir de su historia de vida.
El consiguiente estudio utilizó una metodología cualitativa, a partir de una perspectiva socio-construccionista de carácter descriptivo. Mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas centradas en las narrativas de los sujetos, se desarrolla un plan de análisis de contenido, donde los principales resultados fueron:
Primero la sexualidad se comprende como afectividad, fantasías, sensibilidad, erotismo, placer, intimidad, y reproducción, esta última importante en la maternidad y paternidad, pero no determinante de las sexualidades. Además, no existe una sexualidad universal, estática y pasiva, sino muchas sexualidades, significadas en la subjetividad y lo relacional.
Segundo, la identidad de género es entendida por la mayoría de los participantes como orientación sexual, malinterpretándose el tópico, el cual está asociado estrechamente a los roles sociales.
Y por último, cuando las personas presentan una condición de salud/vida, en este caso una lesión medular, esta última invisibiliza los papeles de género y la sexualidad.
The present research focuses on issues related to sexualities and gender identities of people with spinal cord injuries. It is based on the void that exists of knowledge, with respect to the meanings of its own protagonists. The purpose of the study is to make known the constructed meanings that people with spinal cord injuries give to their sexualities and gender identities, based on their life history. The subsequent study used a qualitative methodology, based on a socio-constructive perspective of a descriptive nature. Through semistructured interviews focused on the subjects' narratives, a content analysis plan was developed, where the main results were: First, sexuality is understood as affectivity, fantasies, sensibility, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction, the latter important in motherhood and paternity, but not determinant of sexualities. In addition, there is no universal, static and passive sexuality, but many sexualities, signified in subjectivity and relational. Second, gender identity is understood by most participants as sexual orientation, misinterpreting the topic, which is closely associated with social roles. And finally, when people present a health / life condition, in this case a spinal cord injury, the latter makes invisible gender roles and sexuality.
The present research focuses on issues related to sexualities and gender identities of people with spinal cord injuries. It is based on the void that exists of knowledge, with respect to the meanings of its own protagonists. The purpose of the study is to make known the constructed meanings that people with spinal cord injuries give to their sexualities and gender identities, based on their life history. The subsequent study used a qualitative methodology, based on a socio-constructive perspective of a descriptive nature. Through semistructured interviews focused on the subjects' narratives, a content analysis plan was developed, where the main results were: First, sexuality is understood as affectivity, fantasies, sensibility, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction, the latter important in motherhood and paternity, but not determinant of sexualities. In addition, there is no universal, static and passive sexuality, but many sexualities, signified in subjectivity and relational. Second, gender identity is understood by most participants as sexual orientation, misinterpreting the topic, which is closely associated with social roles. And finally, when people present a health / life condition, in this case a spinal cord injury, the latter makes invisible gender roles and sexuality.
Tesis (Magíster en Terapia Ocupacional, mención en Salud Física)
Palabras clave
Personas con Discapacidad, Identidad de Género, Lesiones medulares, Sexualidad Humana, Chile