Inteligencias múltiples en terapia ocupacional en relación con la intervención en niños y niñas de 6 a 10 años con diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit atencional con hiperactividad
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La presente investigación, se encuentra enmarcada en el desarrollo del Seminario de
Investigación de Pregrado, el cual tiene como objetivo conocer si los/as Terapeutas
Ocupacionales de distintas comunas y ciudades de Chile utilizan las Inteligencias Múltiples en el proceso de intervención con niños/as de entre 6 a 10 años diagnosticados con Trastorno por déficit atencional con hiperactividad (TDAH), tanto de forma directa como indirecta. Este estudio se sitúa desde el paradigma interpretativo, utilizando además un diseño de investigación de tipo cualitativo. La estrategia de muestreo es de tipo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Mientras que la técnica de recolección de datos utilizada corresponde a entrevistas semiestructuradas, las cuales debido al contexto de pandemia por COVID-19 se llevaron a cabo de manera virtual. En cuanto al análisis cualitativo de la información obtenida, se realizó bajo la Teoría fundamentada.
Con respecto a los resultados obtenidos, estos dan cuenta que no existe un conocimiento acabado sobre la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples por parte de los/as Terapeutas
Ocupacionales entrevistados/as, no conocen los principios básicos de la teoría y no definen de manera articulada cada uno de los 8 tipos de inteligencias que menciona la misma. Por otra parte, la información existente sobre la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples está ligada en su mayoría a lo teórico, teniendo muy limitada la información con respecto a la aplicación de la misma. A pesar de que la mayoría de los Terapeutas Ocupacionales no conocían a cabalidad las Inteligencias Múltiples, se determina a modo de conclusión que las intervenciones de terapia ocupacional pueden ser beneficiadas si en ellas se utiliza la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples en relación con el TDAH, además de esta forma se abre la posibilidad de establecer un nuevo paradigma dentro del área de educación en el cual el Terapeuta Ocupacional puede ser protagonista y de esta forma validar y visibilizar las contribuciones, labor e identidad y lograr la valoración de la profesión.
The present research is framed in the development of the Undergraduate Research Seminar, which aims to know if Occupational Therapists from different communes and cities of Chile use multiple intelligences in the process of intervention with children between 6 and 10 years old diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), both directly and indirectly. This study is situated from the Interpretative paradigm, and also using a qualitative research design. The sampling strategy is of non-probabilistic type for convenience. While the data collection technique used corresponds to semi-structured interviews, which due to the context of pandemic by COVID-19 were conducted virtually. As for the qualitative analysis of the information obtained, it was carried out under the Grounded Theory. Regarding to the results obtained, they show that there is no finished knowledge about the multiple intelligences´ theory on the part of the Occupational Therapists interviewed, they do not know the basic principles of the theory and they do not define in an articulated way each one of the 8 types of intelligences mentioned in it. On the other hand, the existing information on the theory of multiple intelligences is mostly linked to the theoretical, having very limited information regarding its application. Even though most occupational therapists were not fully aware of multiple intelligences, it is determined as a conclusion that occupational therapy interventions can be benefited if it is used the theory of multiple intelligences in relation to ADHD. In addition, this opens up the possibility of establishing a new paradigm within the area of education in which the occupational therapist can be a protagonist and, in this way, validate and make visible the contributions, work and identity and achieve the valuation of the profession.
The present research is framed in the development of the Undergraduate Research Seminar, which aims to know if Occupational Therapists from different communes and cities of Chile use multiple intelligences in the process of intervention with children between 6 and 10 years old diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), both directly and indirectly. This study is situated from the Interpretative paradigm, and also using a qualitative research design. The sampling strategy is of non-probabilistic type for convenience. While the data collection technique used corresponds to semi-structured interviews, which due to the context of pandemic by COVID-19 were conducted virtually. As for the qualitative analysis of the information obtained, it was carried out under the Grounded Theory. Regarding to the results obtained, they show that there is no finished knowledge about the multiple intelligences´ theory on the part of the Occupational Therapists interviewed, they do not know the basic principles of the theory and they do not define in an articulated way each one of the 8 types of intelligences mentioned in it. On the other hand, the existing information on the theory of multiple intelligences is mostly linked to the theoretical, having very limited information regarding its application. Even though most occupational therapists were not fully aware of multiple intelligences, it is determined as a conclusion that occupational therapy interventions can be benefited if it is used the theory of multiple intelligences in relation to ADHD. In addition, this opens up the possibility of establishing a new paradigm within the area of education in which the occupational therapist can be a protagonist and, in this way, validate and make visible the contributions, work and identity and achieve the valuation of the profession.
Tesis (Licenciado en Terapia Ocupacional)
Palabras clave
Inteligencias Múltiples, Gestión del Conocimiento, Terapeutas Ocupacionales, Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad, Chile