Eficacia analgésica del clonixinato de lisina de 125mg. versus ibuprofeno de 400mg. postexodoncia de terceros molares superiores no incluidos
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Objetivo: En este estudio evaluamos la eficacia analgésica del Clonixinato de usina de
125mg en comparación con el Ibuprofeno de 400mg en la terapia de dolor post
exodoncia de terceros molares superiores no incluidos.
Método: Se realizó un estudio clínico comparativo en la Facultad de Odontología de la
Universidad Andrés Bello, sede Republica, Santiago. En el año 2011, donde se trataron
30 pacientes, 13 hombres y 17 mujeres, que necesitaban la exodoncia de uno o ambos
terceros molares superiores no incluidos. Los pacientes que participaron en el estudio
fueron distribuidos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos, uno fue el grupo de ibuprofeno y el
otro de Clonixinato de lisina. La intensidad de dolor se evaluó durante los primeros 3
días postoperatorios cada 8 horas, mediante la utilización de una escala de valoración
de dolor EVA.
Resultados: La disminución del dolor fue significativa en ambos grupos (P< 0,0005).
Pero se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los fármacos en
estudio (P0,040), siendo el Ibuprofeno más efectivo. Además, se pudo evidenciar que
no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la disminución del dolor, entre
hombres y mujeres (P=0,085), como tampoco en relación al rango etano (P0,057).
Conclusiones: El lbuprofeno de 400mg demostró tener mayor eficacia que el
Clonixinato de Lisina de 125mg en la terapia de dolor post exodoncia de terceros
molares superiores no incluidos.
Palabras Claves: Clonixinato de Lisina, Ibuprofeno, AINEs, exodoncia de tercer molar
Objective: ln this research, it was evaluated the analgesic efficacy of lysine clonixinate 125mg in comparison with 400mg Ibuprofen ¡n the pain therapy after the third upper molar not included extraction. Method: A clinic comparative investigation was performed at the Faculty of Dentistry of Universidad Andrés Bello, Republica Headquarters, Santiago. In 2011 30 patients were treated, 13 men and 17 women, who needed the extraction of one or both of their third upper molars not included. The patients were randomly assigned in two groups (ibuprofen or and lysine clonixinate). The intensity of pain was evaluated during the first 3 postoperative days every 8 hours, using a rating scale of pain VAS. Results: The pain was significantly decreased in both groups (P < 0.0005). But it showed statistically significant differences between the study drugs (P = 0.040), being the ibuprofen more effective. Furthermore, it became clear that there was no statistically significant difference in pain reduction between men and women (P = 0.085), flor in relation to age range (P = 0.057). Conclusions: Ibuprofen 400mg demonstrated greater efficacy than 125 mg Lysine clonixinate in the pain therapy after third the upper molar not included extraction. Key words: Clonixinate lysine, Ibuprofen, AlNEs, extraction of third molar.
Objective: ln this research, it was evaluated the analgesic efficacy of lysine clonixinate 125mg in comparison with 400mg Ibuprofen ¡n the pain therapy after the third upper molar not included extraction. Method: A clinic comparative investigation was performed at the Faculty of Dentistry of Universidad Andrés Bello, Republica Headquarters, Santiago. In 2011 30 patients were treated, 13 men and 17 women, who needed the extraction of one or both of their third upper molars not included. The patients were randomly assigned in two groups (ibuprofen or and lysine clonixinate). The intensity of pain was evaluated during the first 3 postoperative days every 8 hours, using a rating scale of pain VAS. Results: The pain was significantly decreased in both groups (P < 0.0005). But it showed statistically significant differences between the study drugs (P = 0.040), being the ibuprofen more effective. Furthermore, it became clear that there was no statistically significant difference in pain reduction between men and women (P = 0.085), flor in relation to age range (P = 0.057). Conclusions: Ibuprofen 400mg demonstrated greater efficacy than 125 mg Lysine clonixinate in the pain therapy after third the upper molar not included extraction. Key words: Clonixinate lysine, Ibuprofen, AlNEs, extraction of third molar.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización Cirugía Bucal y Maxilofacial)
Palabras clave
Analgésicos, Clonixinato de Lisina, Ibuprofeno, AINEs, Exodoncia de tercer molar superior, Chile