EvaluaciĆ³n sobre la influencia de la ceniza volante como sustituto parcial de cemento en morteros de exteriores
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
Nombre de Curso
Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El siguiente proyecto busca dar a conocer los beneficios que genera la reutilizaciĆ³n de
cenizas volantes generadas en centrales termoelĆ©ctricas a carbĆ³n, con respecto a las
propiedades de durabilidad de morteros para exteriores, como lo es la impermeabilidad
de Ć©stos. Todo esto, debido a las propiedades cementantes que estas poseen, gracias
al contenido de silicio, aluminio y fierro. Junto con ello, dar a conocer el beneficio
econĆ³mico que conlleva la disminuciĆ³n de cemento en la mezcla.
Por otra parte la reutilizaciĆ³n de las cenizas entrega una alternativa segura y
sustentable para la disposiciĆ³n de las cenizas generadas por las termoelĆ©ctricas, ya
que hoy en dĆa se necesitan de grandes terrenos cercanos a las centrales, conocidos
con el nombre de depĆ³sitos de cenizas. El uso industrial de las cenizas volantes
permite a las empresas elƩctricas contar con una alternativa sustentable para las
cenizas generadas por las centrales termoelĆ©ctricas a carbĆ³n.
The next project seeks to publicize the benefits generated by the reuse of fly ash generated in coal-fired power plants, with respect to the durability properties of mortars for exterior, as is the impermeability of these. AII of this, due to that these possess cementitious properties, thanks to the content of silicon, aluminum and iron. Along with it, publicize the economic benefit that brings about reduced cement in the mix. Moreover reuse the ashes delivers a safe and sustainable alternative to the disposal of ash generated by thermal power, since today require large land near the plants, known by the name of ash deposits. Industrial use of fly ash allows utilities to have a sustainable alternative for ash generated by coal-fired power plants.
The next project seeks to publicize the benefits generated by the reuse of fly ash generated in coal-fired power plants, with respect to the durability properties of mortars for exterior, as is the impermeability of these. AII of this, due to that these possess cementitious properties, thanks to the content of silicon, aluminum and iron. Along with it, publicize the economic benefit that brings about reduced cement in the mix. Moreover reuse the ashes delivers a safe and sustainable alternative to the disposal of ash generated by thermal power, since today require large land near the plants, known by the name of ash deposits. Industrial use of fly ash allows utilities to have a sustainable alternative for ash generated by coal-fired power plants.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Beneficios de la reutilizaciĆ³n de cenizas volantes, Centrales TermoelĆ©ctricas a carbĆ³n, Propiedades cementantes, Desarrollo Sustentable de proyectos, Chile