Gingivitis en niƱos con malnutriciĆ³n por exceso y diabetes mellitus, hospital El Pino, San Bernardo
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello (Chile)
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por finalidad determinar si existe una relaciĆ³n entre la gingivitis y la malnutriciĆ³n por exceso asociada a alteraciones en el metabolismo de la glucosa en pacientes pediĆ”tricos atendidos en el policlĆnico de obesidad del Hospital y CRS El Pino en la comuna de San Bernardo, Chile.
MetodologĆa: Se obtuvieron los datos personales como la edad, gĆ©nero, Ćndice de masa corporal (IMC) y comorbilidades desde las fichas clĆnicas del servicio de pediatrĆa. Posteriormente se realizaron exĆ”menes clĆnicos intraorales a 60 niƱos, dentro de los cuales 55 de ellos estaban diagnosticados como obesos y los restantes con condiciĆ³n de sobrepeso. En relaciĆ³n a la glicemia, 32 de ellos padecĆan de resistencia a la insulina o diabetes mellitus, el resto fueron pacientes del grupo control sin alteraciones en el metabolismo de la glucosa. Para evaluar la salud periodontal se utilizĆ³ una sonda periodontal OMS. Se midiĆ³ el Ćndice gingival de Lƶe y Silness para determinar el grado de inflamaciĆ³n realizando una exploraciĆ³n con sonda en seis dientes por paciente. Se utilizaron pastillas reveladoras de placa bacteriana para determinar el Ćndice de higiene OāLeary lo que nos indicĆ³ la cantidad de biofilm dental de cada paciente.
Resultados: Se observĆ³ una presencia de inflamaciĆ³n gingival similar entre los grupos al igual que el porcentaje de higiene oral.
Conclusiones: No existe una diferencia significativa en relaciĆ³n a la presencia de gingivitis en pacientes obesos con alteraciĆ³n en el metabolismo de la glucosa versus el grupo control.
Objective: This study aims to determine whether there is a link between gum disease and overweight was associated with alterations in glucose metabolism in pediatric patients treated at the polyclinic of obesity and CRS El Pino Hospital in the town of San Bernardo, Chile. Methodology: personal data such as age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and comorbidities were obtained from the medical records of pediatric service. Later intraoral clinical examinations of 60 children, among which 55 of them were diagnosed as obese and overweight condition remaining to be performed. Regarding glycemia, 32 of them suffering from insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus, the rest were control patients without alterations in glucose metabolism. WHO periodontal probe was used to assess periodontal health. Gingival Lƶe and Silness Index was measured to determine the degree of inflammation performing a scanning probe at six teeth per patient. Plaque disclosing tablets were used to determine the index of hygiene O'Leary told us what the amount of dental biofilm of each patient. Results: The presence of gingival inflammation similar between groups as well as the percentage of oral hygiene was observed. Conclusions: There is no significant difference in relation to the presence of gingivitis in obese patients with impaired glucose metabolism versus the control group.
Objective: This study aims to determine whether there is a link between gum disease and overweight was associated with alterations in glucose metabolism in pediatric patients treated at the polyclinic of obesity and CRS El Pino Hospital in the town of San Bernardo, Chile. Methodology: personal data such as age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and comorbidities were obtained from the medical records of pediatric service. Later intraoral clinical examinations of 60 children, among which 55 of them were diagnosed as obese and overweight condition remaining to be performed. Regarding glycemia, 32 of them suffering from insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus, the rest were control patients without alterations in glucose metabolism. WHO periodontal probe was used to assess periodontal health. Gingival Lƶe and Silness Index was measured to determine the degree of inflammation performing a scanning probe at six teeth per patient. Plaque disclosing tablets were used to determine the index of hygiene O'Leary told us what the amount of dental biofilm of each patient. Results: The presence of gingival inflammation similar between groups as well as the percentage of oral hygiene was observed. Conclusions: There is no significant difference in relation to the presence of gingivitis in obese patients with impaired glucose metabolism versus the control group.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
Enfermedades de la Boca, Enfermedades de las Encias, Trastornos de la NutriciĆ³n Infantil