Estudio sobre pavimentos de bajo ruido y barreras acústicas en autopistas urbanas
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En esta memoria se darán a conocer los problemas de salud causados por el ruido
del tránsito en vías rápidas dentro de la ciudad, como por ejemplo, las autopistas urbanas o
avenidas de alta velocidad, y el rendimiento humano en estas circunstancias.
También se analizarán algunos métodos, utilizados en Europa y Estados Unidos,
para atenuar el ruido en su origen, como es el caso de los pavimentos fono-absorbentes,
también conocidos como pavimentos de bajo ruido, o en su propagación utilizando barreras
acústicas. Además se estudiará la generación y posterior propagación del ruido provocado
cuando un vehículo se desplaza a cierta velocidad, debido a la acción del neumático sobre
el pavimento.
En este texto, se verán las ventajas y desventajas que presentan estos métodos,
vistos, desde la construcción, seguridad vial, estética, entre otros aspectos y las experiencias
realizadas en otros países, sobre todo en el País Vasco.
También se darán a conocer los datos recolectados en una experiencia realizada en
el mineral "El Teniente", ubicado en la Sexta Región, lugar donde se encuentra colocado un
tramo, de aproximadamente, 1.000 metros, del pavimento de bajo ruido, así como también
se dará a conocer el análisis y resultados obtenidos y su comprobación con otras
In this memory they will be given to know the problems of health caused by the noise of the traffic in fast roads inside the city, for example, the urban freeways or highspedd avenues, and the human yield in this circumtances. Sorne methodsused in Europe ~nd United States will also be analysed, to attenuate the noise in origin, like it is the case of the fono-absorbent pavements, also well-known as pavements of low noise, or in their propagation using acoustic barrier. It will also be studied the generation and later propagation of the provoked noise when a ve hiele m oves to certain speed, due to the action of the tire on the pavement. In this text, will also be seen the advantages and disavantages that present these methods, from the construction, traffic safety aesthetics, among other aspects and the experiences carried out in other countries, mainly in the Basque Country They will also be given to know the data gathered in an experience carried out in the mineral "El Teniente", located in the Sixth Region ofChile, place where a tract is placed of approximately, 1.000 meters, of the pavement of low noise, as well as it will be given to know the analysis and obtained results and its confirmation with other experiences.
In this memory they will be given to know the problems of health caused by the noise of the traffic in fast roads inside the city, for example, the urban freeways or highspedd avenues, and the human yield in this circumtances. Sorne methodsused in Europe ~nd United States will also be analysed, to attenuate the noise in origin, like it is the case of the fono-absorbent pavements, also well-known as pavements of low noise, or in their propagation using acoustic barrier. It will also be studied the generation and later propagation of the provoked noise when a ve hiele m oves to certain speed, due to the action of the tire on the pavement. In this text, will also be seen the advantages and disavantages that present these methods, from the construction, traffic safety aesthetics, among other aspects and the experiences carried out in other countries, mainly in the Basque Country They will also be given to know the data gathered in an experience carried out in the mineral "El Teniente", located in the Sixth Region ofChile, place where a tract is placed of approximately, 1.000 meters, of the pavement of low noise, as well as it will be given to know the analysis and obtained results and its confirmation with other experiences.
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