Grado de conversión del adhesivo ambar en distintas porciones del conducto radicular: estudio in vitro
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Antecedentes: Debido a las características del conducto radicular, la técnica adhesiva intraconducto supone un riesgo de los resultados clínicos, sobre todo con sistemas fotopolimerizables, ya que el acceso de luz se ve restringido, lo que dificulta alcanzar niveles óptimos en el grado de conversión de los materiales. Actualmente, no existen estudios que evalúen el grado de conversión de un adhesivo odontológico en su aplicación intraconducto.
Justificación: Esta investigación se fundamentó en la necesidad de valorar el grado de conversión intraconducto del adhesivo Ambar, fenómeno clave en la calidad de la adhesión, sobretodo en la rehabilitación de piezas dentales tratadas endodónticamente.
Objetivo: Determinar el grado de conversión del adhesivo Ambar en su aplicación intraconducto.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio de abordaje cuantitativo, cuyo diseño es experimental, con tres grupos de estudio, cada uno de ellos formado por 10 muestras de adhesivo Ambar confeccionadas a partir de su fotopolimerización a diferentes distancias dentro de un dispositivo de goma antiadherente que simuló las condiciones intrarradiculares en cuanto a longitud y diámetro. A partir de cada muestra se formó una pastilla compacta que fue analizada a través de la técnica de espectrofotometría infrarroja (FT-IR) que determinó el grado de conversión del polímero formado. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS v.24 y técnicas de análisis descriptivo e inferencial para evaluación de los resultados. Con la finalidad de evaluar los grados de conversión en las diferentes porciones del conducto radicular se realizó un test de normalidad y análisis con métodos de tipo paramétricos Anova y test de comparaciones múltiples.
Resultados observados: El grado de conversión del adhesivo Ambar en su aplicación intraconducto presentó variaciones según las diferentes zonas de análisis. La porción superior del conducto presentó una conversión de 61,3% calificada como suficiente; la porción media un 52% y por último, la porción inferior un 39,5% de conversión, ambas deficientes, considerándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas.
Conclusiones: El uso de adhesivos fotoactivados en procedimientos intraconducto no es recomendado en la práctica clínica, al no alcanzar niveles óptimos de conversión del polímero formado en las porciones media e inferior del conducto radicular, en donde se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.
Background: Due to the characteristics of the root canal, the intraconductive adhesive technique poses a risk of clinical results, especially with light-curing systems, because light access is restricted, which makes it difficult to reach optimal levels in the degree of conversion of the materials. There are currently no studies evaluating the degree of conversion of a dental adhesive into its intraconductive application. Justification: This research was based on the need to assess the degree of intraconduct conversion of the Ambar adhesive, a key phenomenon in the quality of adhesion, especially in the rehabilitation of endodontically treated dental pieces. Purpose: Determine the degree of conversion of the Ambar adhesive into its intraconduct application. Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach, whose design is experimental, with three study groups, each consisting of 6 samples of Ambar adhesive made from its photopolymerization at different distances within a non-stick rubber device that simulated intraradicular conditions as To length and diameter. From each sample a compact tablet was formed that was analyzed through the technique of infrared spectrophotometry (FT-IR) that determined the degree of conversion of the formed polymer. Statistical software SPSS v.24 and descriptive and inferential analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. In order to evaluate the degrees of conversion in the different portions of the root canal, a normality test and analysis with Anova parametric type methods and multiple comparison tests were performed. Observed results: The degree of conversion of the Ambar adhesive into its intraconduct application varied according to the different areas of analysis. The upper portion of the conduit had a conversion of 61.3% rated as sufficient; the mean portion was 52%, and finally the lower portion was 39.5%, both of which were deficient, being considered statistically significant differences. Conclusions: The use of photoactivated adhesives in intraconductive procedures is not recommended in clinical practice, as it does not reach optimum levels of conversion of the polymer formed in the middle and lower portions of the root canal, where statistically significant differences were found.
Background: Due to the characteristics of the root canal, the intraconductive adhesive technique poses a risk of clinical results, especially with light-curing systems, because light access is restricted, which makes it difficult to reach optimal levels in the degree of conversion of the materials. There are currently no studies evaluating the degree of conversion of a dental adhesive into its intraconductive application. Justification: This research was based on the need to assess the degree of intraconduct conversion of the Ambar adhesive, a key phenomenon in the quality of adhesion, especially in the rehabilitation of endodontically treated dental pieces. Purpose: Determine the degree of conversion of the Ambar adhesive into its intraconduct application. Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach, whose design is experimental, with three study groups, each consisting of 6 samples of Ambar adhesive made from its photopolymerization at different distances within a non-stick rubber device that simulated intraradicular conditions as To length and diameter. From each sample a compact tablet was formed that was analyzed through the technique of infrared spectrophotometry (FT-IR) that determined the degree of conversion of the formed polymer. Statistical software SPSS v.24 and descriptive and inferential analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. In order to evaluate the degrees of conversion in the different portions of the root canal, a normality test and analysis with Anova parametric type methods and multiple comparison tests were performed. Observed results: The degree of conversion of the Ambar adhesive into its intraconduct application varied according to the different areas of analysis. The upper portion of the conduit had a conversion of 61.3% rated as sufficient; the mean portion was 52%, and finally the lower portion was 39.5%, both of which were deficient, being considered statistically significant differences. Conclusions: The use of photoactivated adhesives in intraconductive procedures is not recommended in clinical practice, as it does not reach optimum levels of conversion of the polymer formed in the middle and lower portions of the root canal, where statistically significant differences were found.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
Adhesivos Dentales, Materiales Dentales, Operatoria Dental