Descolonización revolucionaria y construcción de una conciencia nacional en Los condenados de la tierra de Frantz Fanon
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El presente artículo problematiza el concepto de descolonización
que Frantz Fanon desarrolla principalmente en su obra
Los condenados de la tierra (1961). Para esta labor analizaremos
los conceptos de revolución, conciencia y cultura nacionales que constituyen una red léxico-ideológica que sustenta su idea
de descolonización. Proponemos que en Los condenados… la
descolonización es revolucionaria, pues su objetivo es tanto
la liberación política del Tercer Mundo así como también la
transformación total de la sociedad colonizada, subvirtiendo las
jerarquizaciones raciales y sociales impuestas por el imperialismo
y el colonialismo. En definitiva, planteamos que la idea de
descolonización en Fanon agrega el factor racial no considerado
por la izquierda occidental, cuya importancia radica en la conformación
de un pensamiento anticolonial tercermundista que
aún mantiene una vigencia vital para repensar, desde el lugar
de enunciación de la resistencia, las relaciones políticas y epistémicas
entre Occidente y los grupos sociales subalternizados.
This article questions the concept of Decolonization proposed by Frantz Fanon primarily in his book The Wretched of the Earth (1961). We will discuss the concepts of Revolution, National Consciousness, and National Culture, constituting a lexical-ideological network that supports his idea of Decolonization. We propose that in Fanon’s book, Decolonization is Revolutionary because it aims for the political liberation of the Third World as well as the total transformation of colonized societies, subverting racial and social hierarchies imposed by imperialism and colonialism. Furthermore, we propose that Fanon’s idea of Decolonization includes a racial factor not considered by the Western left, and therefore its importance lies in the formation of Third World anticolonial thought. The relevance of such thought can be found in reconsidering, through the locus of enunciation of resistance, political and epistemic relations between the West and subaltern social groups.
This article questions the concept of Decolonization proposed by Frantz Fanon primarily in his book The Wretched of the Earth (1961). We will discuss the concepts of Revolution, National Consciousness, and National Culture, constituting a lexical-ideological network that supports his idea of Decolonization. We propose that in Fanon’s book, Decolonization is Revolutionary because it aims for the political liberation of the Third World as well as the total transformation of colonized societies, subverting racial and social hierarchies imposed by imperialism and colonialism. Furthermore, we propose that Fanon’s idea of Decolonization includes a racial factor not considered by the Western left, and therefore its importance lies in the formation of Third World anticolonial thought. The relevance of such thought can be found in reconsidering, through the locus of enunciation of resistance, political and epistemic relations between the West and subaltern social groups.
Indexación: Revista UNAB
Palabras clave
Frantz Fanon, Descolonización revolucionaria, Conciencia nacional, Cultura nacional, Anticolonialismo