Evaluación clínica de barniz de flúor en el manejo de la hipersensibilidad dentaria
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La Hipersensibilidad Dentinaria (HD) se define como un corto y fuerte dolor generado
por la exposición de dentina, que surge de un estímulo químico, térmico, táctil u
osmótico, el cual no puede catalogarse como una patología dental propiamente tal. La
teoría hidrodinámica de Brannstrom es la más aceptada en la actualidad para explicar
la etiopatogenia de esta afección. Muchos productos han sido elaborados con el fin de
combatir la HD, pero no todos constan de la efectividad deseada para atenuarla. El
objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la efectividad inmediata y mediata (posterior a 2 semanas), de un barniz de flúor (Flúor Protector), utilizado en el manejo de pacientes que presentan esta problemática.
El presente estudio corresponde a un ensayo clínico no controlado. La muestra
consistió de 30 pacientes, sin distinción de género, de entre 20 a 60 años, atendidos en las clínicas de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, cuyo
diagnóstico fue HD, en al menos un diente, con recesión gingival de al menos 2 mm, la cual presentó dentina expuesta desde la unión amelocementaria, y además que
respondieron a 3 o más puntos en la Escala Numérica (EN), cuando fue aplicado el
estímulo evaporativo. Los datos fueron recogidos, previa aprobación y firma del
consentimiento informado, en una ficha diseñada para el estudio, la cual incluyó datos
del paciente y 9 EN, con las cuales se cuantificó la percepción de dolor de los pacientes frente a 3 estímulos: evaporativo, táctil y térmico. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó análisis de tipo descriptivo y de varianza de Friedman.
En relación a los 3 estímulos en estudio, se obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente
significativos (p<0.05) en la disminución casi completa de la HD frente al tratamiento
inmediato (mediana< 3), además de la mantenida reducción de la misma en el control
posterior a 2 semanas de aplicada la terapia.
En conclusión, la terapia con flúor barniz es efectiva en el tratamiento inmediato y
mediato de la HD.
Dentin Hypersensitivity (DH) is defined as a short, sharp pain generated by exposure of dentin, which arises from a chemical stimuli, thermal, tactile or osmotic, which can't be categorized as a dental pathology as such. Brannstrom hydrodynamic theory is widely accepted today to explain the pathogenesis of this condition. Many products have been developed to combat DH, but not all consist of the desired effectiveness to attenuate. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness immediate and mediate (after two weeks), a fluoride varnish (Fiuor Protector) used in the management of patients with this problem. The present study is an uncontrolled clinical trial. The sample consisted of 30 patients, regardless of gender, aged 20 to 60, treated at the clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry at the "Universidad Andres Bello", whose diagnosis was DH, in a least one tooth with gingival recession at least 2 mm, which exposed dentin present from the CEJ, and also responding to three of more points on the Numeric Scale (NS), when the stimulus was applied evaporative. Data were collected after approval and written informed consent, in a form designed for the study, which included data from the patient and 9 NS, which was quantified with pain perception of patients versus 3 stimuli: evaporative, touch and heat. For statistical analysis we used descriptive analysis and variance of Friedman. Regarding the 3 stimuli under study results were statistically significant (p< 0.05) decrease in the almost complete DH versus immediate treatment (median < 3), besides the maintained reduction thereof in the inspection after 2 weeks of therapy applied. In conclusion, treatment with fluoride varnish is effective in treating the immediate and mediate DH.
Dentin Hypersensitivity (DH) is defined as a short, sharp pain generated by exposure of dentin, which arises from a chemical stimuli, thermal, tactile or osmotic, which can't be categorized as a dental pathology as such. Brannstrom hydrodynamic theory is widely accepted today to explain the pathogenesis of this condition. Many products have been developed to combat DH, but not all consist of the desired effectiveness to attenuate. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness immediate and mediate (after two weeks), a fluoride varnish (Fiuor Protector) used in the management of patients with this problem. The present study is an uncontrolled clinical trial. The sample consisted of 30 patients, regardless of gender, aged 20 to 60, treated at the clinics of the Faculty of Dentistry at the "Universidad Andres Bello", whose diagnosis was DH, in a least one tooth with gingival recession at least 2 mm, which exposed dentin present from the CEJ, and also responding to three of more points on the Numeric Scale (NS), when the stimulus was applied evaporative. Data were collected after approval and written informed consent, in a form designed for the study, which included data from the patient and 9 NS, which was quantified with pain perception of patients versus 3 stimuli: evaporative, touch and heat. For statistical analysis we used descriptive analysis and variance of Friedman. Regarding the 3 stimuli under study results were statistically significant (p< 0.05) decrease in the almost complete DH versus immediate treatment (median < 3), besides the maintained reduction thereof in the inspection after 2 weeks of therapy applied. In conclusion, treatment with fluoride varnish is effective in treating the immediate and mediate DH.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)
Palabras clave
Enfermedades de la Boca., Hipersensibilidad Dentitaria, Fluoruro de Sodio, Barniz de Flúor