La discriminación sexual dentro del aula y como ésta influye en el desarrollo educativo de los alumnos
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
La presente investigación pretende dar a conocer la percepción de los profesionales de la Educación, frente a la discriminación sexual y como esta podría afectar a los alumnos dentro del aula, en establecimientos de carácter público y privados, dos de ellos ubicados en la comuna de Las Condes y el tercero ubicado en Ñuñoa.
Para poder realizar esta investigación, se elabora un instrumento correspondiente a una entrevista dirigida a docentes de educación básica y media, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la percepción de los docentes acerca de la diversidad sexual y de esta impacta en profesores y estudiantes (desempeño docente y estudiantes).
Finalmente podemos decir que esta investigación tiene una parte cuantitativa y una cualitativa, ya que así el análisis logra ser más detallado y con esto podemos ayudar a próximos investigadores.
The actual research has the intention of let know the views of a grouo of professionals from the education área about how sexual discrimination can impact students from public and private school. Two of these schools are from Las Condes and one from Ñuñoa country, Santiago Chile. To perform this research an interview tool was designed. This interviews were used upon teachers of primary and high from mentioned schools. This main purpose is to test if sexual diversity among students, in teachers or students intellectusl or psicological performance. Last but least must be mentioned that research process has both quantitative and qualitative perspective, that helps with results and also for future work that can be done on same subject.
The actual research has the intention of let know the views of a grouo of professionals from the education área about how sexual discrimination can impact students from public and private school. Two of these schools are from Las Condes and one from Ñuñoa country, Santiago Chile. To perform this research an interview tool was designed. This interviews were used upon teachers of primary and high from mentioned schools. This main purpose is to test if sexual diversity among students, in teachers or students intellectusl or psicological performance. Last but least must be mentioned that research process has both quantitative and qualitative perspective, that helps with results and also for future work that can be done on same subject.
Tesis (Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Discriminación Sexual, Chile, Región Metropolitana, Comuna de Las Condes, Comuna de Ñuñoa, Establecimientos Educacionales