Evaluación de las diferencias filogenéticas entre los principales periodontopatogeneos en embarazadas sanas, con gingivitis y periodontitis
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La etiología de las enfermedades periodontales es atribuida tanto a factores del hospedero como a la placa dental. Estas patologías se atribuyen a bacterias específicas presentes en la placa dental. Existen estudios donde se explica que la enfermedad periodontal es un factor de riego para las embarazadas. Las embarazadas expresan de manera distinta la enfermedad y otras no las presentan. Es por esto que los patógenos periodontales cumplen un papel fundamental al momento de la expresión de la enfermedad. En este contexto la hipótesis de este trabajo es: "Existen diferencias filogenéticas entre las cepas de patógenos periodontales presentes en embarazadas sanas, con gingivitis y con periodontitis".
Para confirmarla se plantea el objetivo general: "Evaluar las diferencias filogenéticas de los principales patógenos periodontales en embarazadas sanas, con gingivitis y con periodontitis". Este trabajo corresponde a un estudio "descriptivo de corte transversal" del tipo observacional, con un diseño muestral no probabilístico intencionado, cuya selección los pacientes fue: Mujeres embarazadas entre 14 y 40 años que asistan al Consultorio Renca entre los meses de Mayo y Septiembre. El tamaño muestra se calculó bajo una estimación de porcentaje considerando el intervalo de confianza como un 95% y un 3% de error. Esta muestra se obtuvo mediante la colocación de conos absorbente Nº20 en el crevice de la embarazada por 20s.
El análisis estadístico utilizado fue t-Student, en donde se encontraron diferencias significativas solo entre los pacientes sanos vis los que presentaban periodontitis.
Se observó de un total de 87 embarazadas, un aumento en la prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal con un 43,6% de las embarazadas con un promedio de edad de 25 años, y estando el 3er trimestre de gestación.
En las embarazadas sanas se encontró aumentada solamente Fn con un 100% de los casos. En las con gingivitis se vio aumenta la Fn con un 22,89% y Tf con un 19,5%. En las embarazadas con periodontitis se vio aumentada Aa con un 40,2%. En el estudio filogenético no se encontraron cercanías filogonéticas, en todas las bacterias estudiadas, por ende, las diferentes expresiones de la enfermedad periodontal no dependen de las distintas cepas de bacterias periodontales encontradas.
The etiology of periodontal diseases is attributed to host factors as well as plaque. These pathologies are assigned to specifics bacteria present in plaque. There are studies that explain that periodontal disease is a risk factor for pregnant women. Hormonal changes, changes in diet and peor oral hygiene bring as consequence periodontal defects. In this context the hypothesis of this paper is: "There are phylogenetic differences between strains of periodontal pathogens present in healthy pregnant women with gingivitis and periodontitis". To confirm it the general objective arises: "To assess the phylogenetic differences of major periodontal pathogens in healthy pregnant women with gingivitis and periodontitis." This work corresponds to a "cross-sectional descriptive" study of observational type, with a non probabilistic deliberated sample design, on which the selection of patients was: pregnant women between 14 and 40 years old who attend to Renca's Medical Center between the months of May and September. The sample size was calculated on an estimate of percentage considering the confidence interval as 95% and 3% as error. This sample was obtained by placing absorbent cones No. 20 in the crevice of the pregnant woman for 20 seconds. The statistical analysis used was t-Student, in which significant differences where found only between healthy patients v/s those with periodontitis. From a total of 87 pregnant women there where observed an increase in the prevalence of periodontal disease on a 43.6% of pregnant women with an average age of 25 years, and being on the 3rd trimester. In healthy pregnant women it was increased only Fn with 100% of cases. In those with gingivitis Fn was increases a 22.89% and Tf a 19.5%. In pregnant women with periodontitis Aa was increased 40.2%. In the phylogenetic study no phylogenetic proximities where found in all bacteria studied, therefore the different expressions of periodontal disease do not depend on the different strains of periodontal bacteria found.
The etiology of periodontal diseases is attributed to host factors as well as plaque. These pathologies are assigned to specifics bacteria present in plaque. There are studies that explain that periodontal disease is a risk factor for pregnant women. Hormonal changes, changes in diet and peor oral hygiene bring as consequence periodontal defects. In this context the hypothesis of this paper is: "There are phylogenetic differences between strains of periodontal pathogens present in healthy pregnant women with gingivitis and periodontitis". To confirm it the general objective arises: "To assess the phylogenetic differences of major periodontal pathogens in healthy pregnant women with gingivitis and periodontitis." This work corresponds to a "cross-sectional descriptive" study of observational type, with a non probabilistic deliberated sample design, on which the selection of patients was: pregnant women between 14 and 40 years old who attend to Renca's Medical Center between the months of May and September. The sample size was calculated on an estimate of percentage considering the confidence interval as 95% and 3% as error. This sample was obtained by placing absorbent cones No. 20 in the crevice of the pregnant woman for 20 seconds. The statistical analysis used was t-Student, in which significant differences where found only between healthy patients v/s those with periodontitis. From a total of 87 pregnant women there where observed an increase in the prevalence of periodontal disease on a 43.6% of pregnant women with an average age of 25 years, and being on the 3rd trimester. In healthy pregnant women it was increased only Fn with 100% of cases. In those with gingivitis Fn was increases a 22.89% and Tf a 19.5%. In pregnant women with periodontitis Aa was increased 40.2%. In the phylogenetic study no phylogenetic proximities where found in all bacteria studied, therefore the different expressions of periodontal disease do not depend on the different strains of periodontal bacteria found.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Microbiología Oral)
Palabras clave
Enfermedades Periodontales, Bacterias, Boca