Navarrete-Oyarce, JoséGallegos, Juan AlejandroMoraga-Flores, HugoGallizo, José Luis2023-07-212023-07-212021-07Sustainability (Switzerland) Open Access Volume 13, Issue 142 July 2021 Article number 774120711050ón: ScopusRecent financial scandals and the global financial crisis have generated numerous criticisms of the value and use of annual financial and sustainability reports prepared by companies. This has generated the elaboration and use of a new model of corporate-information reporting that considers strategic, social, economic, and environmental aspects. This study synthesizes the knowledge of the use of integrated reporting as a source of information, and bibliometrically analyzes of 268 articles published in the Web of Science database in 2011–2019. Results show that 77.6% of the academic articles were from developed countries, and the five most influential countries are Italy, South Africa, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Results show that the development of this type of research is scarce in emerging economies. The most influential authors are García, Rodríguez, and De Villiers. A high level of interconnections is observed in used keywords, of which the most used are ‘sustainability’ and ‘management’. Lastly, this article contributes to the international discussion on integrated reporting by carrying out a structured review of the literature, highlighting previous research.enBibliometricDisclosureIntegrated reportingWeb of scienceIntegrated reporting as an academic research concept in the area of businessArtículoAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)10.3390/su13147741