Véliz, MauricioHitt Seyffert, LeaFacultad de Humanidades y Educación2021-09-202021-09-202013http://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/20317Tesis (Magíster en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera)This study attempts to uncover the Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) utilized by proficient language learners in English pedagogy programs at two universities. To this effect, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was applied. Through this method, it was found that students in English pedagogy programs employ indirect strategies more frequently than direct strategies, which are of a more metacognitive nature. After administering the SILL, one student from each university who scored the highest was examined in greater detail. Through a case study methodology, these two students were asked to do a semi-structured interview and a think- aloud protocol. It was found that cognitive and metacognitive strategies were the most prevalent. Future research is required to see if weaker language learners would benefit from the utilization of these strategies.esInglésEnseñanza SuperiorEnseñanzaInvestigacionesChileConcepciónRegión del Bío-BíoA study of language learning strategies that successful preservice teachers utilize in english pedagogy programs at two universities in Concepción, Chile : a case studyTesis