Ramírez Errázuriz, VerónicaLeyton Alvarado, Patricio2024-09-062024-09-062017Asclepio Volume 69, Issue 220170210-4466https://repositorio.unab.cl/handle/ria/59939Indexación: ScopusThis paper analyzes the astronomical texts written by Andres Bello between 1810 and 1848, from its educational nature to its rhetorical expression, suggesting that their main purpose was to show the advances in the field -in terms of knowledge production and also technology development-in order to improve the material and intellectual environment of the nation. It also stands that astronomy should be tought by activating creativity and imagination, which may be linked with Bello’s willing to avoid science and art develop apart from each other, keeping, in this case astronomy bonded with literature. © 2017 CSIC.enAndres belloAstronomyEducationLiteratureRhetoricAndres Bello and the dissemination of astronomy: Education and scientific rhetoric[Andrés Bello y la difusión de la astronomía: Educación y retórica científica]ArtículoAttribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0 Deed10.3989/asclepio.2017.21