Anastasiou, GiorgosAraya, Ignacio J.Olea, Rodrigo2022-08-032022-08-032018-05Physical Review D Volume 97, Issue 1015 May 2018 Article number 10601124700010ón ScopusWe propose a renormalization scheme for entanglement entropy of three-dimensional CFTs with a four-dimensional asymptotically AdS gravity dual in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence. The procedure consists in adding the Chern form as a boundary term to the area functional of the Ryu-Takayanagi minimal surface. We provide an explicit prescription for the renormalized entanglement entropy, which is derived via the replica trick. This is achieved by considering a Euclidean gravitational action renormalized by the addition of the Chern form at the spacetime boundary, evaluated in the conically-singular replica manifold. We show that the addition of this boundary term cancels the divergent part of the entanglement entropy, recovering the results obtained by Taylor and Woodhead. We comment on how this prescription for renormalizing the entanglement entropy is in line with the general program of topological renormalization in asymptotically AdS gravity. © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.enGravitationEntanglementAds/Cft CorrespondenceRenormalization of entanglement entropy from topological termsArtículoCC BY 3.0 CC BY 4.010.1103/PhysRevD.97.106011