Gaczkowski M.Górka P.Pons D.J.2021-10-192021-10-192020-11Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 269, Issue 11, Pages 9819 - 983715 November 202000220396ón ScopusWe obtain a compact Sobolev embedding for H-invariant functions in compact metric-measure spaces, where H is a subgroup of the measure preserving bijections. In Riemannian manifolds, H is a subgroup of the volume preserving diffeomorphisms: a compact embedding for the critical exponents follows. The results can be viewed as an extension of Sobolev embeddings of functions invariant under isometries in compact manifolds. © 2020 Elsevier Inc.enCompact embeddingMetric-measure spacesSobolev spacesRicci CurvatureDoubling MeasureSymmetry and compact embeddings for critical exponents in metric-measure spacesArtículo10.1016/j.jde.2020.06.062