Arenas Henriquez, GabrielMann, Robert B.Miskovic, OliveraOlea, Rodrigo2022-06-132022-06-132019-09Physical Review D Volume 100, Issue 623 September 2019 Article number 0640382470-0010ón : ScopusWe derive an expression for conserved charges in Lovelock anti-de Sitter gravity for solutions having k-fold degenerate vacua, making manifest a link between the degeneracy of a given vacuum and the nonlinearity of the energy formula. We show for a black hole solution to the field equations on a branch of multiplicity k that its mass comes from an expression that contains the product of k Weyl tensors. We prove that all divergent contributions of the type (Weyl)q, with 1≤q[removed]1. Our results provide insight on the holographic properties of degenerate Lovelock theories.enMass in LovelockK Weyl tensorsBlack hole solutionMass in Lovelock unique vacuum gravity theoriesArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1103/PhysRevD.100.064038