Zheng, ChangmingDragicevic, TomislavZhang, ZhenbinRodriguez, JoseBlaabjerg, Frede2024-06-172024-06-172021-03IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 3422 - 3436 March 2021 Article number 91651980885-8993https://repositorio.unab.cl/handle/ria/57643Indexación: Scopus.Voltage source inverters with output LC filter enable a sinusoidal output voltage with low harmonics, suitable for islanded ac microgrid or uninterruptible power supply applications. Conventional finite-set model predictive voltage control (MPVC) applies only a single switching vector per control period, leading to a variable switching frequency and significant output ripple. This article resolves these issues by proposing an improved MPVC with optimal switching sequence (OSS-MPVC). First, an improved vector switching sequence is defined, aiming to reduce the output-voltage ripple with a constant switching frequency. Then, to tackle the difficulty in extending the OSS to high-order systems due to the coupling effect of the output filter, a generalized 'one-step estimation' solution is proposed, which directly associates the control-variable gradients with the vector switching sequence. To further enhance the output-voltage tracking accuracy, intersample dynamics are taken into account in the cost function. The control delay and dead-time compensation are also considered. Simulations and experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed method.en-USFixed switching frequencyinvertersmicrogridmodel predictive control (MPC)optimal switching sequence (OSS)Model Predictive Control of LC-Filtered Voltage Source Inverters with Optimal Switching SequenceArtÃculo10.1109/TPEL.2020.3015540