Rautengarten, CarstenEbert, BeritLiu, LifengStonebloom, SolomonSmith-Moritz, Andreia M.Pauly, MarkusOrellana, ArielScheller, Henrik VibeHeazlewood, Joshua L.2017-01-302017-01-302016-07Nature Communications 7, Article number:12119 (2016)2041-1723doi:10.1038/ncomms12119http://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/2795Indexación: Web of Science.Nucleotide sugar transport across Golgi membranes is essential for the luminal biosynthesis of glycan structures. Here we identify GDP-fucose transporter 1 (GFT1), an Arabidopsis nucleotide sugar transporter that translocates GDP-L-fucose into the Golgi lumen. Using proteo-liposome-based transport assays, we show that GFT preferentially transports GDP-L-fucose over other nucleotide sugars in vitro, while GFT1-silenced plants are almost devoid of L-fucose in cell wall-derived xyloglucan and rhamnogalacturonan II. Furthermore, these lines display reduced L-fucose content in N-glycan structures accompanied by severe developmental growth defects. We conclude that GFT1 is the major nucleotide sugar transporter for import of GDP-L-fucose into the Golgi and is required for proper plant growth and development.enDE-NOVO SYNTHESISGALACTOSE TRANSPORTERRHAMNOGALACTURONAN-IISUGAR TRANSPORTERSN-GLYCANSUDP-GALACTOSEMUR1 GENETHALIANAXYLOGLUCANEXPRESSIONThe Arabidopsis Golgi-localized GDP-L-fucose transporter is required for plant developmentArtículo