Valdés Morales, RenéJiménez Vargas, FelipeHernández-Yáñez, María-TeresaFardella, Carla2023-10-232023-10-232019Estudios Pedagogicos Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 261 - 278 20190716-050Xón: ScopusThe absence of a government model of reception for the migrant school population has forced schools to redesign their educational practices, assuming in a self-taught and creative way work around cultural diversity. Therefore, we set out to understand how schools have responded to the arrival of foreign students and what educational practices they have deployed in this regard. Through an ethnographic work of 2 years in 4 public schools with educational projects with intercultural stamp and high enrollment of foreign students, it is revealed the existence of 10 reception devices that have allowed schools to manage the educational inclusion of foreign students. We analyze these devices in terms of the dimensions involved, degrees of sophistication and the contradictions that they generate within schools, and we discuss their scope and contributions based on an experience of formative intervention.enInclusionInterculturalityMigrationSchool practicesDevices for welcoming foreign students as formative intervention platformsDispositivos de acogida para estudiantes extranjeros como plataformas de intervención formativaArtículo10.4067/S0718-07052019000300261