Bono, María RosaFernández, DominiqueFlores-Santibáñez, FelipeRosemblatt, MarioSauma, Daniela2023-04-122023-04-122015-07FEBS Letters Volume 589, Issue 22, Pages 3454 - 34601 July 20150014-5793ón: ScopusExtracellular ATP is a danger signal released by dying and damaged cells, and it functions as an immunostimulatory signal that promotes inflammation. However, extracellular adenosine acts as an immunoregulatory signal that modulates the function of several cellular components of the adaptive and innate immune response. Consequently, the balance between ATP and adenosine concentration is crucial in immune homeostasis. CD39 and CD73 are two ectonucleotidases that cooperate in the generation of extracellular adenosine through ATP hydrolysis, thus tilting the balance towards immunosuppressive microenvironments. Extracellular adenosine can prevent activation, proliferation, cytokine production and cytotoxicity in T cells through the stimulation of the A2A receptor; however, recent evidence has shown that adenosine may also affect other processes in T-cell biology. In this review, we discuss evidence that supports a role of CD73 and CD39 ectonucleotidases in controlling naive T-cell homeostasis and memory cell survival through adenosine production. Finally, we propose a novel hypothesis of a possible role of these ectonucleotidases and autocrine adenosine signaling in controlling T-cell differentiation. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.enAdenosineCD39CD73DifferentiationEctonucleotidaseT cellCD73 and CD39 ectonucleotidases in T cell differentiation: Beyond immunosuppressionArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1016/j.febslet.2015.07.027