Véliz Campos, MauricioCasteletti Solari, BiancaFacultad de Humanidades y Educación2019-02-152019-02-152014http://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/8071Tesis (Magíster en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera)This study aims at exploríng Engl!sh language teacher trainccs' perceptions of their dcgrccs of confidcncc with rcgards to thcir contcnt knowledgc and practica! knowlcdgc. To this end, a mixed mcthods approach was applicd. In ordcr to explore thc participants' pcrccptions. in more dctail. this study was focuscd in two major categorics: 1) Content Knowledge; 2) Practica! K1h•wlcdge W1thm the category of Contcnt Knowlcdgc, six sub-catcgorics werc pre­ e��tabhshed: 1) Grammar of the languagc; 2) Phonology and Phonetics; 3) Lcxis; 4) Pragmatics; 5) Sccond languagc acquisition thcorics; 6)Mcthods. Thc data collcction mcthods comprisc: 1) a survey that was administcrcd to 41 participants from two different universitics; 2) a group intervicw that was conducted with two groups of thrce participants each. Thc findings suggcst that Engh:,h language teachcr trainccs who participatcd in this study show high degrces of confidencc m the arcas of pragmatics and methods; convcrscly. partieipants show low dcgrces ar confidence in thc arcas of grammar of the languagc and practica! lnowlcdge.enProfesores de InglésEvalución de ProfesoresA study of english language teacher trainees' perceptions regarding their degrees of confidence of their content knowledge and their practical knowledgeTesis