Farfan, N.Carril, J.Redel, M.Zamorano, M.Araya, M.Monzón, E.Alvarado, R.Contreras, N.Tapia-Bustos, A.Quintanilla, M.E.Ezquer, F.Valdes, J.L.Israel, Y.Herrera-Marschitz, M.Morales, P.2021-07-182021-07-182020-10International Journal of Molecular SciencesOpen AccessVolume 21, Issue 20, Pages 1 - 272 October 2020 Article number 78001661-6596http://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/19423Indexación: Scopus.PerinatalAsphyxia (PA) is a leading cause ofmotor and neuropsychiatric disability associated with sustained oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and cell death, affecting brain development. Based on a rat model of global PA, we investigated the neuroprotective effect of intranasally administered secretome, derived from human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-S), preconditioned with either deferoxamine (an hypoxia-mimetic) or TNF-ff+IFN- (pro-inflammatory cytokines). PA was generated by immersing fetus-containing uterine horns in a water bath at 37 ffC for 21 min. Thereafter, 16 ffL of MSC-S (containing 6 ffg of protein derived from 2 ff 105 preconditioned-MSC), or vehicle, were intranasally administered 2 h after birth to asphyxia-exposed and control rats, evaluated at postnatal day (P) 7. Alternatively, pups received a dose of either preconditioned MSC-S or vehicle, both at 2 h and P7, and were evaluated at P14, P30, and P60. The preconditioned MSC-S treatment (i) reversed asphyxia-induced oxidative stress in the hippocampus (oxidized/reduced glutathione); (ii) increased antioxidative Nuclear Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 (NRF2) translocation; (iii) increased NQO1 antioxidant protein; (iv) reduced neuroinflammation (decreasing nuclearNF-ffB/p65 levels and microglial reactivity); (v) decreased cleaved-caspase-3 cell-death; (vi) improved righting reflex, negative geotaxis, cliff aversion, locomotor activity, anxiety, motor coordination, and recognition memory. Overall, the study demonstrates that intranasal administration of preconditioned MSC-S is a novel therapeutic strategy that prevents the long-term effects of perinatal asphyxia. © 2020 by the authors.enBehavioral developmentCell deathHippocampusIntranasal administrationMemoryMesenchymal stem cell secretome (MSC-S)Neonatal hypoxiaNeuroinflammationNeuroprotectionOxidative stressIntranasal administration of mesenchymal stem cell secretome reduces hippocampal oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and cell death, improving the behavioral outcome following perinatal asphyxiaArtículoAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)10.3390/ijms21207800