Araya-Castillo, LuisBurgos, MildredGonzález, PatriciaRivera, YuracidBarrientos, NicolásYáñez Jara, VíctorGanga-Contreras, FranciscoSáez, Walter2023-07-072023-07-072023-02Behavioral Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 2, February 2023, Article number 1282076-328Xón: ScopusProcrastination is a phenomenon that affects university students and consists of not finishing a task or finishing it late, which has a direct impact on their academic performance. This is relevant because, in a context of high competition, higher education institutions and their decision-makers need to be aware of the factors that influence university students’ procrastination in order to implement actions that favor student attraction and retention. Based on the above, this research aims to propose a theoretical model of procrastination in university students, based on the literature review and content validation assessment through a semi-structured questionnaire. The proposed model is made up of nine dimensions: Psychological, Physiological, Social, Academic, Leisure, Time Management, Resources, Labor, and Environmental. Dimensions were obtained based on adequate levels of content validity provided by the literature and the questionnaire. In the future, the research proposes to study the way in which these dimensions are present in procrastination and design a scale that allows for their measurement. © 2023 by the authors.enhigher educationprocrastinationtheoretical modelProcrastination in University Students: A Proposal of a Theoretical ModelArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.3390/bs13020128