Biondi, F.Claudi, R.Marafatto, L.Farinato, J.Magrin, D.Ragazzoni, R.Campana, S.Schipani, P.Aliverti, M.Baruffolo, A.Ben-Ami, S.Brucalassi, A.Capasso, G.Cosentino, R.D'Alessio, F.D'Avanzo, P.Hershko, O.Kuncarayakti H, .Munari, M.Rubin, A.Scuderi, S.Vitali, F.Achrén, J.Araiza-Durán, J. AntonioArcavi, I.Bianco, A.Cappellaro, E.Colapietro, M.Della Valle, M.Diner, O.D'Orsi, S.Fantinel, D.Fynbo, J.Gal-Yam, A.Genoni, M.Hirvonen, M.Kotilainen, J.Kumar, T.Landoni, M.Lehti, J.Li Causi, G.Mattila, S.Pariani, G.Pignata, G.Rappaport, M.Riva, M.Ricci, D.Salasnich, B.Zanmar Sanchez, R.Smartt, S.Turatto, M.2022-09-272022-09-272018-060277-786Xón: ScopusSon Of X-Shooter (SOXS) is the new instrument for the ESO 3.5 m New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla site (Chile) devised for the spectroscopic follow-up of transient sources. SOXS is composed by two medium resolution spectrographs able to cover the 350-2000 nm interval. An Acquisition Camera will provide a light imaging capability in the visible band. We present the procedure foreseen for the Assembly, Integration and Test activities (AIT) of SOXS that will be carried out at sub-systems level at various consortium partner premises and at system level both in Europe and Chile. © 2018 SPIE.enAssembly Integration and TestAstronomical InstrumentationNTTSpectrographTransientsThe assembly integration and test activities for the new SOXS instrument at NTTArtículoAtribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)10.1117/12.2313944