Chené, André-NicolasRamírez Alegría, SebastiánBorissova, JordankaHervé, AnthonyMartins, FabriceKuhn, MichaelMinniti, Dante2023-08-292023-08-292016-11Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Open Access. Volume 12, Issue S329, Pages 263 - 270. 1 November 20161743-9213ón: Scopus.Our position in the Milky Way (MW) is both a blessing and a curse. We are nearby to many star clusters, but the dust that is a product of their very existence obscures them. Also, many massive young clusters are expected to be located near, or across the Galactic Center, where the dust extinction is extreme (AV > 15 mag) and can be better penetrated by infrared photons. This paper reviews the discoveries and the study of new MW massive stars and massive clusters made possible by near infrared observations that are part of the VISTA Variables in the V´ıa L´actea (VVV) survey. It discusses what the studies of their fundamental parameters have taught us.enSurveysStars: DistancesStars: EvolutionStars: Fundamental ParametersStars: Wolf-Rayet(Galaxy:) Open Clusters and Associations: GeneralMassive infrared clusters in the milky wayArtículo10.1017/S1743921317002988