Hernández-Acevedoa, LucíaArratia-Pérez, Ramiro2024-05-242024-05-242003-12Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, vol.48, no.4, Concepción, Dec. 20030717-9707https://repositorio.unab.cl/handle/ria/57038The understanding of the electronic structure, optical, magnetic, photophysical, electrochemical, and, structural properties of metal clusters, may lead to the development of nanoscale inorganic materials of technological interest[1-7]. Nowadays, there are many reasons to consider the increasing diversity of octahedral metal clusters of the type M6X8X6, and M6Q8(L,X)6 [4-7,15-34] that could became part of nanoscale devices due to their unusual optical and magnetic properties. In these clusters, M could be Mo, W, or Re; Q = S, Se, Te, are the face-capped chalcogenide ligands, and X is an halide or L could be an cyanide or pyr or N-heterocycle or triethylphospine, etc., acting as terminal ligands. [3-35] For example, it has been observed that the M6X8X6 (M = Mo, W; X = halide), and more recently, rhenium-chalcogenide Re6Q8L6 clusters, display long emissive lifetimes, significant quantum yields, and, undergo facile ground-and-excited state multielectron transfer reactions, thus representing a novel class of metal cluster photoreceptors for chemical reactions induced by light.[3,5-15,24,25,32,34,35] Moreover, the synthetic versatility of the [Re6Q8(CN)6]q+ (Q = S, Se) clusters has allowed the synthesis of extended new porous materials that can be used as molecular sieves, or used as starting material for designing versatile chemical sensors for the detection of a large variety of volatile pollutants; or it has also been used as building blocks for constructing extended multicluster aggregates, new solid phases and exotic metallo-dendrimers.[26-31,33]en-USrhenium clustersrelativistic effectsredox couplesRELATIVISTIC ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF MOLECULARPRECURSORS: THE CASE OF THE [RE6Q8(CN)64- /RE6Q8(CN)63- ] (Q = S, Se) REDOX COUPLES.ArtículoCC BY-NC 4.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalhttp://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-97072003000400020