Valdes, Gabriel2025-02-242025-02-240025-0125299824 SCOPUSResearch on explanation in the teaching of mathematics at the secondary education level is crucial for improving understanding and the effective learning of mathematical concepts. This study focuses on analyzing empirical research that has addressed the explanation in the teaching of mathematics at the secondary level, published in the last five years in journals indexed in the Web of Science. Methodology: A systematic analysis is carried out, following the PRISMA methodology to ensure a systematic and reproducible analysis. Results: The findings highlight that research at the primary and secondary educational levels on mathematical explanation is scarce. Studies with teaching innovations predominate. Discussions: The need for ongoing training for teachers is discussed, emphasizing the importance of clear explanations tailored to the needs of the students to facilitate deep and enduring learning, as well as the practical implications of the study. Conclusions: This study underscores the opportunity to expand research in this field to enrich pedagogical practices and improve the teaching of mathematics at fundamental educational levels. © 2025, HISIN (History of Information Systems). All rights reserved.eseffective learning; mathematical explanation; pedagogical development; primary education; PRISMA methodology; secondary education; systematic review; teacher trainingMathematics classroom explanation: a literature review[La explicación en el aula de matemáticas: una revisión de la literatura]Artículo