Tissera, PatriciaMacHado, Rubens E. G.Vilchez, José M.Pedrosa, Susana E.Sanchez-Blazquez, PatriciaVarela, Silvio2024-04-192024-04-192017-08Astronomy and Astrophysics Volume 6041 August 2017 Article number A1180004-6361https://repositorio.unab.cl/handle/ria/56128Indexación: ScopusContext. The metallicity gradients of the stellar populations in disc galaxies and their evolution store relevant information on the disc formation history and on those processes which could mix stars a posteriori, such as migration, bars and/or galaxy-galaxy interactions. Aims. We aim to investigate the evolution of the metallicity gradients of the whole stellar populations in disc components of simulated galaxies in a cosmological context. Methods. We analyse simulated disc galaxies selected from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation that includes chemical evolution and a physically motivated supernova feedback capable of driving mass-loaded galactic winds. Results. We detect a mild evolution with redshift in the metallicity slopes of-0.02 ± 0.01 dex kpc-1 from z ∼ 1. If the metallicity profiles are normalised by the effective radius of the stellar disc, the slopes show no clear evolution for z< 1, with a median value of approximately-0.23 dex reff-1. As a function of stellar mass, we find that metallicity gradients steepen for stellar masses smaller than ∼1010.3M· while the trend reverses for higher stellar masses, in the redshift range z = [0,1]. Galaxies with small stellar masses have discs with larger reff and flatter metallicity gradients than expected. We detect migration albeit weaker than in previous works. Conclusions. Our stellar discs show a mild evolution of the stellar metallicity slopes up to z ∼ 1, which is well-matched by the evolution calculated archeologically from the abundance distributions of mono-age stellar populations at z ∼ 0. The dispersion in the relations allows for stronger individual evolutions. Overall, supernova feedback could explain the trends but an impact of migration can not be totally discarded. Galaxy-galaxy interactions or small satellite accretions can also contribute to modify the metallicity profiles in the outer parts. Disentangling the effects of these processes for individual galaxies is still a challenge in a cosmological context. © 2017 ESO.enGalaxies: abundancesGalaxies: evolutionGalaxies: formationGalaxies: ISMMild evolution of the stellar metallicity gradients of disc galaxiesArtículoCC BY 4.0 DEED Atribución 4.0 Internacional10.1051/0004-6361/201628915