Arias, CesarBonezzi, RobertoSundell, Per2023-06-062023-06-062019-03-01Journal of High Energy Physics Volume 2019, Issue 31 March 2019 Article number 11126-6708ón ScopusWe alter Vasiliev’s original bosonic higher spin gravity in any dimension beyond the linearized level by factoring out a modified sp(2) gauge algebra. The new model can be embedded together with a dynamical two-form and an extra dynamical one-form into a flat Quillen superconnection. Further duality and sp(2) ghost extensions lead to a FrobeniusChern-Simons action in which the sp(2) and higher spin gauge symmetries are subsumed into a unified Cartan gauge group at the fully non-linear level.enHigher Spin GravityNon-Commutative GeometryString Field TheoryBosonic higher spin gravity in any dimension with dynamical two-formArtículoAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)10.1007/JHEP03(2019)001