Lombardo, LindaFrançois, PatrickBonifacio, PiercarloCaffau, ElisabettaDel Mar Matas Pinto, AroaCharbonnel, CorinneMeynet, GeorgesMonaco, LorenzoCescutti, GabrieleMucciarelli, Alessio2023-06-152023-06-152021-12Astronomy and Astrophysics. Volume 656. 1 December 2021. Article number A1550004-6361https://repositorio.unab.cl/xmlui/handle/ria/50752Indexación: ScopusContext. In the search of a sample of metal-poor bright giants using Strömgren photometry, we serendipitously found a sample of 26 young (ages younger than 1 Gyr) metal-rich giants, some of which have high rotational velocities. Aims. We determined the chemical composition and rotational velocities of these stars in order to compare them with predictions from stellar evolution models. These stars where of spectral type A to B when on the main sequence, and we therefore wished to compare their abundance pattern to that of main-sequence A and B stars. Methods. Stellar masses were derived by comparison of the position of the stars in the colour-magnitude diagram with theoretical evolutionary tracks. These masses, together with Gaia photometry and parallaxes, were used to derive the stellar parameters. We used spectrum synthesis and model atmospheres to determine chemical abundances for 16 elements (C, N, O, Mg, Al, Ca, Fe, Sr, Y, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu) and rotational velocities. Results. The age-metallicity degeneracy can affect photometric metallicity calibrations. We identify 15 stars as likely binary stars. All stars are in prograde motion around the Galactic centre and belong to the thin-disc population. All but one of the sample stars present low [C/Fe] and high [N/Fe] ratios together with constant [(C+N+O)/Fe], suggesting that they have undergone CNO processing and first dredge-up. The observed rotational velocities are in line with theoretical predictions of the evolution of rotating stars.enStars: AbundancesStars: EvolutionStars: AtmospheresYoung giants of intermediate mass: Evidence of rotation and mixingArtículoAtribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)10.1051/0004-6361/202141408