Paulo Areyuna C.Zamora-Saa, JilbertoZerwekh, Alfonso R.2024-05-272024-05-272024-04-02Journal of High Energy PhysicsOpen AccessVolume 2024, Issue 2 February 2024 Article number 15310298479ón: Scopus.In this work, we consider an extension to the Standard Model composed by a Massive Vector Doublet under SU(2)L and a Left-handed Heavy Neutral Lepton. We study the production of these exotic leptons with the Same Flavor Opposite Sign standard lepton pair, and jets, considering Drell-Yan and Vector Boson Fusion as independent cases. We find that for the latter, the dilepton angular distribution is different enough from the background to use it as a smoking-gun for our model. Based on this fact, we establish limits on the parameter space considering previous experimental searches in this final state.enDark Matter at CollidersSpecific BSM PhenomenologyProbing left-handed heavy neutral leptons in the Vector Scotogenic ModelArtículoCC BY 4.0 DEED Attribution 4.0 International10.1007/JHEP02(2024)153